On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 7:57 PM, MauMau <maumau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've found a bug and would like to fix it, but I cannot figure out how to do
> that well.  Could you give me any advice?  I encountered this on PG 9.2, but
> it will probably exist in later versions.
> [Problem]
> On Windows, a user with Administrator privileges can start the database
> server.  However, when he uses config-only directory, the database server
> cannot be started.  "pg_ctl start" fails with the following messages:
> Execution of PostgreSQL by a user with administrative permissions is not
> permitted.
> The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent
> possible system security compromises.  See the documentation for
> more information on how to properly start the server.
> [Cause]
> pg_ctl runs "postgres -C data_directory" to know the data directory.  But
> postgres cannot be run by a user with Administrator privileges, and displays
> the above messages.
> [Fix]
> It is ideal that users with administrative privileges can start postgres,
> with the Administrator privileges removed.
> Currently, initdb and pg_ctl take trouble to invoke postgres in a process
> with restricted privileges.  I understand this improvement was done in 8.2
> or 8.3 for convenience.  The same convenience should be available when
> running postgres directly, at least "postgres -C", "postgres
> --describe-config", and "postgres --single".
> Then, how can we do this?  Which approach should we take?
> * Approach 1
> When postgres starts, it removes Administrator privileges from its own
> process.  But is this possible at all?  Windows security API is complex and
> provides many functions.  It seems difficult to understand them.  I'm afraid
> it would take a long time to figure out the solution.  Is there any good web
> page to look at?
> * Approach 2
> Do not call check_root() on Windows when -C, --describe-config, or --single
> is specified when running postgres.  This would be easy, and should not be
> dangerous in terms of security because attackers cannot get into the server
> process via network.

Approach-2 has been discussed previously to resolve it and it doesn't seem to be
a good way to handle it. Please refer link:

You can go through that mail chain and see if there can be a better
solution than Approach-2.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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