(2014/01/23 23:18), Andrew Dunstan wrote:
What is more, if the square root calculation is affecting your benchmarks, I
suspect you are benchmarking the wrong thing.
I run another test that has two pgbench-clients in same time, one is select-only-query and another is executing 'SELECT * pg_stat_statement' query in every one second. I used v6 patch in this test.

* Benchmark Commands
$bin/pgbench -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mitsu-ko -c64 -j32 -S -T 180 -n &
$bin/pgbench -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mitsu-ko -T 180 -n -f file.sql

** file.sql
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statement;
\sleep 1s

* Select-only-query Result (Test result is represented by tps.)
   method        |  try1  |  try2  |  try3
with pgss        | 125502 | 125818 | 125809
with patched pgss| 125909 | 125699 | 126040

This result shows my patch is almost same performance than before.

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

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