I wrote:
> ... an invertible aggregate may require a more
> complex transition state data structure --- in particular, if you're
> forced to go from a pass-by-value to a pass-by-reference data type, right
> there you are going to take a big hit in aggregate performance, and there
> is no way for the forward transition function to avoid it.  The patch
> has in fact already done that to a couple of basic aggregates like
> sum(int4).  Has anyone bothered to test what side-effects that has on
> non-windowed aggregation performance?

As a quick check, I compared aggregation performance in HEAD, non-assert
builds, with and without --disable-float8-byval on a 64-bit machine.
So this tests replacing a pass-by-val transition datatype with a
pass-by-ref one without any other changes.  There's essentially no
difference in performance of sum(int4), AFAICT, but that's because
int4_sum goes out of its way to cheat and avoid palloc overhead.
I looked to the bit_and() aggregates to see what would happen to
an aggregate not thus optimized.  As expected, int4 and int8 bit_and
are just about the same speed if int8 is pass by value ... but if it's
pass by ref, the int8 case is a good 60% slower.

So added palloc overhead, at least, is a no-go.  I see that the patched
version of sum(int4) avoids that trap, but nonetheless it's replaced a
pretty cheap transition function with a less cheap function, namely the
function previously used for avg(int4).  A quick test says that avg(int4)
is about five percent slower than sum(int4), so that's the kind of hit
we'd be taking on non-windowed aggregations if we do it like this.

                        regards, tom lane

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