Ok, So I've hacked on this a bit. Below is a test case showing the
problems I've found.

1) It isn't using the "newline" and "wrap" indicators or dividing lines.

2) The header is not being displayed properly when it contains a newline.

I can hack in the newline and wrap indicators but the header
formatting requires reworking the logic a bit. The header and data
need to be stepped through in parallel rather than having a loop to
handle the wrapping within the handling of a single line. I don't
really have time for that today but if you can get to it that would be
postgres=***# \pset
Border style (border) is 2.
Target width (columns) is 20.
Expanded display (expanded) is on.
Field separator (fieldsep) is "|".
Default footer (footer) is on.
Output format (format) is wrapped.
Line style (linestyle) is unicode.
Null display (null) is "".
Locale-adjusted numeric output (numericlocale) is off.
Pager (pager) usage is off.
Record separator (recordsep) is <newline>.
Table attributes (tableattr) unset.
Title (title) unset.
Tuples only (tuples_only) is off.

postgres=***# select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',n)),E'\n') as "x
y",  array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('yy',10-n)),E'\n') as "x
z" from (select generate_series(1,10)) as t(n);

┌─[ RECORD 1 ]─────┐
│ x │ x            │
│ y │ xx           │
│   │ xxx          │
│   │ xxxx         │
│   │ xxxxx        │
│   │ xxxxxx       │
│   │ xxxxxxx      │
│   │ xxxxxxxx     │
│   │ xxxxxxxxx    │
│   │ xxxxxxxxxx   │
│ x │ yyyyyyyyyyyy │
│   │ yyyyyy       │
│ y │ yyyyyyyyyyyy │
│   │ yyyy         │
│ z │ yyyyyyyyyyyy │
│   │ yy           │
│   │ yyyyyyyyyyyy │
│   │ yyyyyyyyyy   │
│   │ yyyyyyyy     │
│   │ yyyyyy       │
│   │ yyyy         │
│   │ yy           │
│   │              │

postgres=***# \pset linestyle ascii
Line style (linestyle) is ascii.

postgres=***# select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',n)),E'\n') as "x
y",  array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('yy',10-n)),E'\n') as "x
z" from (select generate_series(1,10)) as t(n);

+-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+
| x | x            |
| y | xx           |
|   | xxx          |
|   | xxxx         |
|   | xxxxx        |
|   | xxxxxx       |
|   | xxxxxxx      |
|   | xxxxxxxx     |
|   | xxxxxxxxx    |
|   | xxxxxxxxxx   |
| x | yyyyyyyyyyyy |
|   | yyyyyy       |
| y | yyyyyyyyyyyy |
|   | yyyy         |
| z | yyyyyyyyyyyy |
|   | yy           |
|   | yyyyyyyyyyyy |
|   | yyyyyyyyyy   |
|   | yyyyyyyy     |
|   | yyyyyy       |
|   | yyyy         |
|   | yy           |
|   |              |

postgres=***# \pset columns 30
Target width (columns) is 30.

postgres=***# \pset linestyle unicode
Line style (linestyle) is unicode.

postgres=***# \pset columns 30
Target width (columns) is 30.

postgres=***# \pset expanded off
Expanded display (expanded) is off.

postgres=***# select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',n)),E'\n') as "x
y",  array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('yy',10-n)),E'\n') as "x
z" from (select generate_series(1,10)) as t(n);

│     x    ↵│       x       ↵│
│     y     │       y       ↵│
│           │       z        │
│ x        ↵│ yyyyyyyyyyyyyy…│
│ xx       ↵│…yyyy          ↵│
│ xxx      ↵│ yyyyyyyyyyyyyy…│
│ xxxx     ↵│…yy            ↵│
│ xxxxx    ↵│ yyyyyyyyyyyyyy↵│
│ xxxxxx   ↵│ yyyyyyyyyyyy  ↵│
│ xxxxxxx  ↵│ yyyyyyyyyy    ↵│
│ xxxxxxxx ↵│ yyyyyyyy      ↵│
│ xxxxxxxxx↵│ yyyyyy        ↵│
│ xxxxxxxxx…│ yyyy          ↵│
│…x         │ yy            ↵│
│           │                │
(1 row)

postgres=***# \pset linestyle ascii
Line style (linestyle) is ascii.

postgres=***# select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',n)),E'\n') as "x
y",  array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('yy',10-n)),E'\n') as "x
z" from (select generate_series(1,10)) as t(n);

|     x    +|       x       +|
|     y     |       y       +|
|           |       z        |
| x        +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.|
| xx       +|.yyyy          +|
| xxx      +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.|
| xxxx     +|.yy            +|
| xxxxx    +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy+|
| xxxxxx   +| yyyyyyyyyyyy  +|
| xxxxxxx  +| yyyyyyyyyy    +|
| xxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyy      +|
| xxxxxxxxx+| yyyyyy        +|
| xxxxxxxxx.| yyyy          +|
|.x         | yy            +|
|           |                |
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