> 20 apr 2014 kl. 12:19 skrev Francois Tigeot <ftig...@wolfpond.org>:
> Hi,
>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 11:24:38AM +0200, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
>> I see performance degradation with PostgreSQL 9.3 vs 9.2 on FreeBSD, and I'm 
>> wondering who to poke to mitigate the problem. In reference to this thread 
>> [1], who where the FreeBSD people that Francois mentioned?
> At least one FreeBSD hacker came to discuss it on the #dragonflybsd irc
> channel and tried to run the benchmark on a 80-core machine.
> I didn't keep logs and don't remember his/their name(s) but there was
> definitely some FreeBSD effort at the time to investigate and fix things.
>> If mmap needs to perform well in the kernel, I'd like to know of someone 
>> with FreeBSD kernel knowledge who is interested in working with mmap 
>> perfocmance. If mmap is indeed the cuplrit, I've just tested 9.2.8 vs 9.3.4, 
>> I nevere isolated the mmap patch, although I believe Francois did just that 
>> with similar results.
> I did test the 9.3 -devel branch before and after the SysV shared memory =>
> mmap commit. The performance degradation was visible.
> I recently ran a few benchmarks of PostgreSQL 9.3 with different operating 
> systems
> including DragonFly 3.6 and FreeBSD 10. You may be interested in the results:
> http://lists.dragonflybsd.org/pipermail/users/2014-March/128216.html

Interesting, indeed. The fixes to dragonfly where made quite recently, in 3.2, 
right? Was it an isolated patch that could perhaps be used as inspiration for a 
similar fix on freebsd, or is it the major rewrite of the scheduler mentioned 
in [http://m.slashdot.org/story/177299]?


> -- 
> Francois Tigeot

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