At 2014-06-17 12:47:19 -0400, wrote:
> > > P.S. If you tag your reviews with [REVIEW] in the Subject, it'll
> > > be easier to keep track of them.
> > 
> > I and, I believe, various other people hate that style, because at
> > least in Gmail, it breaks the threading.  It is much easier to find
> > things if they are all posted on one thread.
> Yes, please don't do that.  A simple, normal reply to the message that
> submits the patch is much better from my point of view as a subsequent
> reviewer and committer.

I find it hard to believe that gmail is incapable of threading messages
using In-Reply-To/References header fields, especially given that mail
subjects are changed all the time in the normal course of events. But
I'll take your word for it and reply to the original message (as I've
always done) without changing the Subject for any reviews I post.

Only one other person took my suggestion so far, but if anyone else is
tempted to do the same: consider the recommendation withdrawn.

-- Abhijit

P.S. I also realise now that some people may not {,be able to} change
the Subject of a message without creating an entirely new thread.

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