On 06/24/2014 08:48 PM, Pavan Deolasee wrote:
FWIW I can reproduce this on HEAD with the attached patch. I could
reproduce this on a 64-bit Ubuntu as well as 64-bit Mac OSX. Very confusing
it is because I tried with various values for N in char[N] array and it
fails for N=20. Other values I tried are 4, 12, 22, 24 and the test passes
for all of them. The logic for trying other values is to see if pd_linp[]
starting on un-aligned boundary can trigger the issue. But there seem to be
no correlation.

postgres=# select version();

PostgreSQL 9.5devel on x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0, compiled by Apple LLVM
version 5.1 (clang-503.0.38) (based on LLVM 3.4svn), 64-bit

postgres=# -- test SP-GiST index that's been built incrementally

postgres=# create table test_range_spgist(ir int4range);
postgres=# create index test_range_spgist_idx on test_range_spgist using
spgist (ir);
postgres=# insert into test_range_spgist select int4range(g, g+10) from
generate_series(1,586) g;
INSERT 0 586

postgres=# SET enable_seqscan    = t;
postgres=# SET enable_indexscan  = f;
postgres=# SET enable_bitmapscan = f;

postgres=# select * from test_range_spgist where ir -|- int4range(100,500);
(2 rows)

postgres=# SET enable_seqscan    = f;
postgres=# select * from test_range_spgist where ir -|- int4range(100,500);
(2 rows)

At this point, both rows are visible via index scan as well as seq scan.

postgres=# insert into test_range_spgist select int4range(g, g+10) from
generate_series(587,587) g;

postgres=# select * from test_range_spgist where ir -|- int4range(100,500);
(1 row)

Ouch. The second row somehow disappeared.

postgres=# SET enable_seqscan    = t;
postgres=# select * from test_range_spgist where ir -|- int4range(100,500);
(2 rows)

So the last INSERT suddenly makes one row disappear via the index scan
though its still reachable via seq scan. I tried looking at the SP-Gist
code but clearly I don't understand it a whole lot to figure out the issue,
if one exists.

Yeah, I can reproduce this. It doesn't seem to be related to the padding or alignment at all. The padding just happens to move tuples around so that [500, 510) is picked as an SP-GiST inner node.

The real bug is in spg_range_quad_inner_consistent(), for the adjacent operator. Things go wrong when:

The scan key is [100, 500)
The prev centroid is [500, 510)
The current centroid is [544, 554).

The row that should match but isn't returned, [500, 510) is equal to the previous centroid. It's in quadrant 3 from the current centroid, but spg_range_quad_inner_consistent() incorrectly concludes that it doesn't need to scan that quadrant.

The function compares the scan key's upper bound with the the previous centroid's lower bound and the current centroid's lower bound:

 * Check if upper bound of argument is not in a
 * quadrant we visited in the previous step.
cmp1 = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &upper, &prevLower);
cmp2 = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &centroidLower,
if ((cmp2 < 0 && cmp1 > 0) || (cmp2 > 0 && cmp1 < 0))
    which2 = 0;

The idea is that if the scan key's upper bound doesn't fall between the prev and current centroid's lower bounds, there is no match.

  *   *    *
 PL   X    CL

X = scan key's upper bound: 500)
PL = prev centroid's lower bound [500
CL = current centroid's lower bound [500

This is wrong. X < PL, but it's still nevertheless adjacent to it.

I'll take a closer look tomorrow...

(The "if (which2) ..." block after the code I quoted above also looks wrong - it seems to be comparing the argument's lower bound when it should be comparing the upper bound according to the comment. )

- Heikki

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