On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Rajeev rastogi <rajeev.rast...@huawei.com>

> I have just started looking into this patch.
> Please find below my first level of observation from the patch:

Thanks! Updated patch attached.

> 1. Allocation of memory for sync_nodes in function
> SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes should be equivalent to allowed_sync_nodes
> instead of max_wal_senders. As anyway we are not going to store sync stdbys
> more   than allowed_sync_nodes.
>                 sync_nodes = (int *) palloc(allowed_sync_nodes *
> sizeof(int));


2. Logic of deciding the highest priority one seems to be in-correct.
>         Assume, s_s_num = 3, s_s_names = 3,4,2,1
>         standby nodes are in order as: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
>         As per the logic in patch, node 4 with priority 2 will not be
> added in the list whereas 1,2,3 will be added.
>         The problem is because priority updated for next tracking is not
> the highest priority as of that iteration, it is just priority of last node
> added to the list. So it may happen that a node with       higher priority
> is still there in list but we are comparing with some other smaller
> priority.

Fixed. Nice catch!

> 3. Can we optimize the function SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes in such a way
> that it gets the number of standby nodes from s_s_names itself. With this
> it will be usful to stop scanning the moment we get first s_s_num potential
> standbys.

By doing so, we would need to scan the WAL sender array more than once (or
once if we can find N sync nodes with a name matching the first entry, smth
unlikely to happen). We would need as well to recalculate for a given item
in the list _names what is its priority and compare it with the existing
entries in the WAL sender list. So this is not worth the shot.
Also, using the priority instead of s_s_names is more solid as s_s_names is
now used only in SyncRepGetStandbyPriority to calculate the priority for a
given WAL sender, and is a function only called by a WAL sender itself when
it initializes.
*** a/doc/src/sgml/config.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/config.sgml
*** 2586,2597 **** include_dir 'conf.d'
          Specifies a comma-separated list of standby names that can support
          <firstterm>synchronous replication</>, as described in
          <xref linkend="synchronous-replication">.
!         At any one time there will be at most one active synchronous standby;
!         transactions waiting for commit will be allowed to proceed after
!         this standby server confirms receipt of their data.
!         The synchronous standby will be the first standby named in this list
!         that is both currently connected and streaming data in real-time
!         (as shown by a state of <literal>streaming</literal> in the
          <link linkend="monitoring-stats-views-table">
          <literal>pg_stat_replication</></link> view).
          Other standby servers appearing later in this list represent potential
--- 2586,2598 ----
          Specifies a comma-separated list of standby names that can support
          <firstterm>synchronous replication</>, as described in
          <xref linkend="synchronous-replication">.
!         At any one time there will be at a number of active synchronous standbys
!         defined by <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-num">, transactions
!         waiting for commit will be allowed to proceed after those standby
!         servers confirm receipt of their data. The synchronous standbys will be
!         the first entries named in this list that are both currently connected
!         and streaming data in real-time (as shown by a state of
!         <literal>streaming</literal> in the
          <link linkend="monitoring-stats-views-table">
          <literal>pg_stat_replication</></link> view).
          Other standby servers appearing later in this list represent potential
*** 2627,2632 **** include_dir 'conf.d'
--- 2628,2685 ----
+      <varlistentry id="guc-synchronous-standby-num" xreflabel="synchronous_standby_num">
+       <term><varname>synchronous_standby_num</varname> (<type>integer</type>)
+       <indexterm>
+        <primary><varname>synchronous_standby_num</> configuration parameter</primary>
+       </indexterm>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>
+         Specifies the number of standbys that support
+         <firstterm>synchronous replication</>.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+         Default value is <literal>-1</>. In this case, if
+         <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-names"> is empty all the
+         standby nodes are considered asynchronous. If there is at least
+         one node name defined, process will wait for one synchronous
+         standby listed.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+         When this parameter is set to <literal>0</>, all the standby
+         nodes will be considered as asynchronous.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+        This parameter value cannot be higher than
+         <xref linkend="guc-max-wal-senders">.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+         Are considered as synchronous the first elements of
+         <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-names"> in number of
+         <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-num"> that are
+         connected. If there are more elements than the number of stansbys
+         required, all the additional standbys are potential synchronous
+         candidates. If <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-names"> is
+         empty, all the standbys are asynchronous. If it is set to the
+         special entry <literal>*</>, a number of standbys equal to
+         <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-names"> with the highest
+         pritority are elected as being synchronous.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+         Server will wait for commit confirmation from
+         <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-num"> standbys, meaning that
+         if <xref linkend="guc-synchronous-standby-names"> has less elements
+         than the number of standbys required, server will wait indefinitely
+         for a commit confirmation.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+         This parameter can only be set in the <filename>postgresql.conf</>
+         file or on the server command line.
+        </para>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
       <varlistentry id="guc-vacuum-defer-cleanup-age" xreflabel="vacuum_defer_cleanup_age">
        <term><varname>vacuum_defer_cleanup_age</varname> (<type>integer</type>)
*** a/doc/src/sgml/high-availability.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/high-availability.sgml
*** 1081,1092 **** primary_slot_name = 'node_a_slot'
      WAL record is then sent to the standby. The standby sends reply
      messages each time a new batch of WAL data is written to disk, unless
      <varname>wal_receiver_status_interval</> is set to zero on the standby.
!     If the standby is the first matching standby, as specified in
!     <varname>synchronous_standby_names</> on the primary, the reply
!     messages from that standby will be used to wake users waiting for
!     confirmation that the commit record has been received. These parameters
!     allow the administrator to specify which standby servers should be
!     synchronous standbys. Note that the configuration of synchronous
      replication is mainly on the master. Named standbys must be directly
      connected to the master; the master knows nothing about downstream
      standby servers using cascaded replication.
--- 1081,1092 ----
      WAL record is then sent to the standby. The standby sends reply
      messages each time a new batch of WAL data is written to disk, unless
      <varname>wal_receiver_status_interval</> is set to zero on the standby.
!     If the standby is the first <varname>synchronous_standby_num</> matching
!     standbys, as specified in <varname>synchronous_standby_names</> on the
!     primary, the reply messages from that standby will be used to wake users
!     waiting for confirmation that the commit record has been received. These
!     parameters allow the administrator to specify which standby servers should
!     be synchronous standbys. Note that the configuration of synchronous
      replication is mainly on the master. Named standbys must be directly
      connected to the master; the master knows nothing about downstream
      standby servers using cascaded replication.
*** 1167,1177 **** primary_slot_name = 'node_a_slot'
      The best solution for avoiding data loss is to ensure you don't lose
!     your last remaining synchronous standby. This can be achieved by naming multiple
      potential synchronous standbys using <varname>synchronous_standby_names</>.
!     The first named standby will be used as the synchronous standby. Standbys
!     listed after this will take over the role of synchronous standby if the
!     first one should fail.
--- 1167,1177 ----
      The best solution for avoiding data loss is to ensure you don't lose
!     your last remaining synchronous standbys. This can be achieved by naming multiple
      potential synchronous standbys using <varname>synchronous_standby_names</>.
!     The first <varname>synchronous_standby_num</> named standbys will be used as
!     the synchronous standbys. Standbys listed after this will take over the role
!     of synchronous standby if the first one should fail.
*** a/src/backend/replication/syncrep.c
--- b/src/backend/replication/syncrep.c
*** 5,11 ****
   * Synchronous replication is new as of PostgreSQL 9.1.
   * If requested, transaction commits wait until their commit LSN is
!  * acknowledged by the sync standby.
   * This module contains the code for waiting and release of backends.
   * All code in this module executes on the primary. The core streaming
--- 5,11 ----
   * Synchronous replication is new as of PostgreSQL 9.1.
   * If requested, transaction commits wait until their commit LSN is
!  * acknowledged by the synchronous standbys.
   * This module contains the code for waiting and release of backends.
   * All code in this module executes on the primary. The core streaming
*** 29,39 ****
   * single ordered queue of waiting backends, so that we can avoid
   * searching the through all waiters each time we receive a reply.
!  * In 9.1 we support only a single synchronous standby, chosen from a
!  * priority list of synchronous_standby_names. Before it can become the
!  * synchronous standby it must have caught up with the primary; that may
!  * take some time. Once caught up, the current highest priority standby
!  * will release waiters from the queue.
   * Portions Copyright (c) 2010-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
--- 29,50 ----
   * single ordered queue of waiting backends, so that we can avoid
   * searching the through all waiters each time we receive a reply.
!  * In 9.4 we support the possibility to have multiple synchronous standbys,
!  * whose number is defined by synchronous_standby_num, chosen from a
!  * priority list of synchronous_standby_names. Before one standby can
!  * become a synchronous standby it must have caught up with the primary;
!  * that may take some time.
!  *
!  * Waiters will be released from the queue once the number of standbys
!  * defined by synchronous_standby_num have caught.
!  *
!  * There are special cases though. If synchronous_standby_num is set to 0,
!  * all the nodes are considered as asynchronous and fastpath is out to
!  * leave this portion of the code as soon as possible. If it is set to
!  * -1, process will wait for one node to catch up with the primary only
!  * if synchronous_standby_names is non-empty. This is compatible with
!  * what has been defined in 9.1 as -1 is the default value of
!  * synchronous_standby_num.
   * Portions Copyright (c) 2010-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
*** 59,67 ****
  /* User-settable parameters for sync rep */
  char	   *SyncRepStandbyNames;
  #define SyncStandbysDefined() \
! 	(SyncRepStandbyNames != NULL && SyncRepStandbyNames[0] != '\0')
  static bool announce_next_takeover = true;
--- 70,87 ----
  /* User-settable parameters for sync rep */
  char	   *SyncRepStandbyNames;
+ int			synchronous_standby_num = -1;
+ /*
+  * Synchronous standbys are defined if there is more than
+  * one synchronous standby wanted. In default case, the list
+  * of standbys defined needs to be not empty.
+  */
  #define SyncStandbysDefined() \
! 	(synchronous_standby_num > 0 || \
! 	 (synchronous_standby_num == -1 && \
! 	  SyncRepStandbyNames != NULL && \
! 	  SyncRepStandbyNames[0] != '\0'))
  static bool announce_next_takeover = true;
*** 206,212 **** SyncRepWaitForLSN(XLogRecPtr XactCommitLSN)
  					 errmsg("canceling the wait for synchronous replication and terminating connection due to administrator command"),
! 					 errdetail("The transaction has already committed locally, but might not have been replicated to the standby.")));
  			whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
--- 226,232 ----
  					 errmsg("canceling the wait for synchronous replication and terminating connection due to administrator command"),
! 					 errdetail("The transaction has already committed locally, but might not have been replicated to the standby(s).")));
  			whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
*** 223,229 **** SyncRepWaitForLSN(XLogRecPtr XactCommitLSN)
  			QueryCancelPending = false;
  					(errmsg("canceling wait for synchronous replication due to user request"),
! 					 errdetail("The transaction has already committed locally, but might not have been replicated to the standby.")));
--- 243,249 ----
  			QueryCancelPending = false;
  					(errmsg("canceling wait for synchronous replication due to user request"),
! 					 errdetail("The transaction has already committed locally, but might not have been replicated to the standby(s).")));
*** 357,365 **** SyncRepInitConfig(void)
   * Update the LSNs on each queue based upon our latest state. This
!  * implements a simple policy of first-valid-standby-releases-waiter.
   * Other policies are possible, which would change what we do here and what
   * perhaps also which information we store as well.
--- 377,483 ----
+ /*
+  * Obtain a palloc'd array containing positions of standbys currently
+  * considered as synchronous. Caller is responsible for freeing the
+  * data obtained and should as well take a necessary lock on SyncRepLock.
+  */
+ int *
+ SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes(int *num_sync)
+ {
+ 	int	   *sync_nodes;
+ 	int		priority = 0;
+ 	int		i;
+ 	int		allowed_sync_nodes = synchronous_standby_num;
+ 	/* Initialize */
+ 	*num_sync = 0;
+ 	/* Leave if no synchronous nodes allowed */
+ 	if (synchronous_standby_num == 0)
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Determine the number of nodes that can be synchronized.
+ 	 * synchronous_standby_num can have the special value -1,
+ 	 * meaning that only one node with the highest non-null priority
+ 	 * can be considered as synchronous.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (synchronous_standby_num == -1)
+ 		allowed_sync_nodes = 1;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Make enough room, there is a maximum of max_wal_senders synchronous
+ 	 * nodes as we scan though WAL senders here.
+ 	 */
+ 	sync_nodes = (int *) palloc(allowed_sync_nodes * sizeof(int));
+ 	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
+ 	{
+ 		/* Use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement */
+ 		volatile WalSnd *walsnd = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[i];
+ 		/* Process to next if not active */
+ 		if (walsnd->pid == 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Process to next if not streaming */
+ 		if (walsnd->state != WALSNDSTATE_STREAMING)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Process to next one if asynchronous */
+ 		if (walsnd->sync_standby_priority == 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Process to next one if priority conditions not satisfied */
+ 		if (priority != 0 &&
+ 			priority <= walsnd->sync_standby_priority &&
+ 			*num_sync == allowed_sync_nodes)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Process to next one if flush position is invalid */
+ 		if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(walsnd->flush))
+ 			continue;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * We have a potential synchronous candidate, add it to the
+ 		 * list of nodes already present or evict the node with highest
+ 		 * priority found until now.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (*num_sync == allowed_sync_nodes)
+ 		{
+ 			int j;
+ 			for (j = 0; j < *num_sync; j++)
+ 			{
+ 				volatile WalSnd *walsndloc = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[sync_nodes[j]];
+ 				if (walsndloc->sync_standby_priority == priority)
+ 				{
+ 					sync_nodes[j] = i;
+ 					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 			sync_nodes[*num_sync] = i;
+ 			(*num_sync)++;
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Update priority for next tracking. This needs to be the highest
+ 		 * priority value in all the existing items.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (priority < walsnd->sync_standby_priority)
+ 			priority = walsnd->sync_standby_priority;
+ 	}
+ 	return sync_nodes;
+ }
   * Update the LSNs on each queue based upon our latest state. This
!  * implements a simple policy of first-valid-standbys-release-waiter.
   * Other policies are possible, which would change what we do here and what
   * perhaps also which information we store as well.
*** 368,378 **** void
  	volatile WalSndCtlData *walsndctl = WalSndCtl;
! 	volatile WalSnd *syncWalSnd = NULL;
  	int			numwrite = 0;
  	int			numflush = 0;
! 	int			priority = 0;
  	int			i;
  	 * If this WALSender is serving a standby that is not on the list of
--- 486,499 ----
  	volatile WalSndCtlData *walsndctl = WalSndCtl;
! 	int		   *sync_standbys;
  	int			numwrite = 0;
  	int			numflush = 0;
! 	int			num_sync = 0;
  	int			i;
+ 	bool		found = false;
+ 	XLogRecPtr	min_write_pos;
+ 	XLogRecPtr	min_flush_pos;
  	 * If this WALSender is serving a standby that is not on the list of
*** 388,454 **** SyncRepReleaseWaiters(void)
  	 * We're a potential sync standby. Release waiters if we are the highest
  	 * priority standby. If there are multiple standbys with same priorities
! 	 * then we use the first mentioned standby. If you change this, also
! 	 * change pg_stat_get_wal_senders().
  	LWLockAcquire(SyncRepLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
! 	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
! 		/* use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement */
! 		volatile WalSnd *walsnd = &walsndctl->walsnds[i];
! 		if (walsnd->pid != 0 &&
! 			walsnd->state == WALSNDSTATE_STREAMING &&
! 			walsnd->sync_standby_priority > 0 &&
! 			(priority == 0 ||
! 			 priority > walsnd->sync_standby_priority) &&
! 			!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(walsnd->flush))
! 			priority = walsnd->sync_standby_priority;
! 			syncWalSnd = walsnd;
! 	 * We should have found ourselves at least.
! 	Assert(syncWalSnd);
! 	 * If we aren't managing the highest priority standby then just leave.
! 	if (syncWalSnd != MyWalSnd)
! 		announce_next_takeover = true;
  	 * Set the lsn first so that when we wake backends they will release up to
! 	 * this location.
! 	if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] < MyWalSnd->write)
! 		walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] = MyWalSnd->write;
  		numwrite = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE);
! 	if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] < MyWalSnd->flush)
! 		walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] = MyWalSnd->flush;
  		numflush = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH);
  	elog(DEBUG3, "released %d procs up to write %X/%X, %d procs up to flush %X/%X",
! 		 numwrite, (uint32) (MyWalSnd->write >> 32), (uint32) MyWalSnd->write,
! 	   numflush, (uint32) (MyWalSnd->flush >> 32), (uint32) MyWalSnd->flush);
  	 * If we are managing the highest priority standby, though we weren't
! 	 * prior to this, then announce we are now the sync standby.
  	if (announce_next_takeover)
--- 509,607 ----
  	 * We're a potential sync standby. Release waiters if we are the highest
  	 * priority standby. If there are multiple standbys with same priorities
! 	 * then we use the first mentioned standbys.
  	LWLockAcquire(SyncRepLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
+ 	sync_standbys = SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes(&num_sync);
! 	/*
! 	 * We should have found ourselves at least, except if it is not expected
! 	 * to find any synchronous nodes.
! 	 */
! 	Assert(num_sync > 0);
! 	/*
! 	 * If we aren't managing one of the standbys with highest priority
! 	 * then just leave.
! 	 */
! 	for (i = 0; i < num_sync; i++)
! 		volatile WalSnd *walsndloc = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[sync_standbys[i]];
! 		if (walsndloc == MyWalSnd)
! 			found = true;
! 			break;
! 	 * We are definitely not one of the chosen... But we could by
! 	 * taking the next takeover.
! 	if (!found)
! 	{
! 		LWLockRelease(SyncRepLock);
! 		pfree(sync_standbys);
! 		announce_next_takeover = true;
! 		return;
! 	}
! 	 * Even if we are one of the chosen standbys, leave if there
! 	 * are less synchronous standbys in waiting state than what is
! 	 * expected by the user.
! 	if (num_sync < synchronous_standby_num &&
! 		synchronous_standby_num != -1)
! 		pfree(sync_standbys);
  	 * Set the lsn first so that when we wake backends they will release up to
! 	 * this location, of course only if all the standbys found as synchronous
! 	 * have already reached that point, so first find what are the oldest
! 	 * write and flush positions of all the standbys considered in sync...
! 	min_write_pos = MyWalSnd->write;
! 	min_flush_pos = MyWalSnd->flush;
! 	for (i = 0; i < num_sync; i++)
! 	{
! 		volatile WalSnd *walsndloc = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[sync_standbys[i]];
! 		SpinLockAcquire(&walsndloc->mutex);
! 		if (min_write_pos > walsndloc->write)
! 			min_write_pos = walsndloc->write;
! 		if (min_flush_pos > walsndloc->flush)
! 			min_flush_pos = walsndloc->flush;
! 		SpinLockRelease(&walsndloc->mutex);
! 	}
! 	/* ... And now update if necessary */
! 	if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] < min_write_pos)
! 		walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] = min_write_pos;
  		numwrite = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE);
! 	if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] < min_flush_pos)
! 		walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] = min_flush_pos;
  		numflush = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH);
  	elog(DEBUG3, "released %d procs up to write %X/%X, %d procs up to flush %X/%X",
! 		 numwrite, (uint32) (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] >> 32),
! 		 (uint32) walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE],
! 		 numflush, (uint32) (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] >> 32),
! 		 (uint32) walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH]);
  	 * If we are managing the highest priority standby, though we weren't
! 	 * prior to this, then announce we are now a sync standby.
  	if (announce_next_takeover)
*** 457,462 **** SyncRepReleaseWaiters(void)
--- 610,618 ----
  				(errmsg("standby \"%s\" is now the synchronous standby with priority %u",
  						application_name, MyWalSnd->sync_standby_priority)));
+ 	/* Clean up */
+ 	pfree(sync_standbys);
*** 483,488 **** SyncRepGetStandbyPriority(void)
--- 639,648 ----
  	if (am_cascading_walsender)
  		return 0;
+ 	/* If no synchronous nodes allowed, no cake for this WAL sender */
+ 	if (synchronous_standby_num == 0)
+ 		return 0;
  	/* Need a modifiable copy of string */
  	rawstring = pstrdup(SyncRepStandbyNames);
*** a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
--- b/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
*** 2735,2742 **** pg_stat_get_wal_senders(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
  	MemoryContext per_query_ctx;
  	MemoryContext oldcontext;
  	int		   *sync_priority;
! 	int			priority = 0;
! 	int			sync_standby = -1;
  	int			i;
  	/* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
--- 2735,2742 ----
  	MemoryContext per_query_ctx;
  	MemoryContext oldcontext;
  	int		   *sync_priority;
! 	int		   *sync_standbys;
! 	int			num_sync = 0;
  	int			i;
  	/* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
*** 2767,2802 **** pg_stat_get_wal_senders(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
  	 * Get the priorities of sync standbys all in one go, to minimise lock
  	 * acquisitions and to allow us to evaluate who is the current sync
! 	 * standby. This code must match the code in SyncRepReleaseWaiters().
  	sync_priority = palloc(sizeof(int) * max_wal_senders);
  	LWLockAcquire(SyncRepLock, LW_SHARED);
  	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
  		/* use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement */
  		volatile WalSnd *walsnd = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[i];
! 		if (walsnd->pid != 0)
! 		{
! 			/*
! 			 * Treat a standby such as a pg_basebackup background process
! 			 * which always returns an invalid flush location, as an
! 			 * asynchronous standby.
! 			 */
! 			sync_priority[i] = XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(walsnd->flush) ?
! 				0 : walsnd->sync_standby_priority;
! 			if (walsnd->state == WALSNDSTATE_STREAMING &&
! 				walsnd->sync_standby_priority > 0 &&
! 				(priority == 0 ||
! 				 priority > walsnd->sync_standby_priority) &&
! 				!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(walsnd->flush))
! 			{
! 				priority = walsnd->sync_standby_priority;
! 				sync_standby = i;
! 			}
! 		}
  	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
--- 2767,2789 ----
  	 * Get the priorities of sync standbys all in one go, to minimise lock
  	 * acquisitions and to allow us to evaluate who is the current sync
! 	 * standby.
  	sync_priority = palloc(sizeof(int) * max_wal_senders);
  	LWLockAcquire(SyncRepLock, LW_SHARED);
+ 	/* Get first the priorities on each standby as long as we hold a lock */
  	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
  		/* use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement */
  		volatile WalSnd *walsnd = &WalSndCtl->walsnds[i];
! 		sync_priority[i] = XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(walsnd->flush) ?
! 			0 : walsnd->sync_standby_priority;
+ 	/* Obtain list of synchronous standbys */
+ 	sync_standbys = SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes(&num_sync);
  	for (i = 0; i < max_wal_senders; i++)
*** 2858,2872 **** pg_stat_get_wal_senders(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
  			if (sync_priority[i] == 0)
  				values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("async");
- 			else if (i == sync_standby)
- 				values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("sync");
! 				values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("potential");
  		tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls);
  	/* clean up and return the tuplestore */
--- 2845,2876 ----
  			if (sync_priority[i] == 0)
  				values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("async");
! 			{
! 				int j;
! 				bool found = false;
! 				for (j = 0; j < num_sync; j++)
! 				{
! 					/* Found that this node is one in sync */
! 					if (i == sync_standbys[j])
! 					{
! 						values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("sync");
! 						found = true;
! 						break;
! 					}
! 				}
! 				if (!found)
! 					values[7] = CStringGetTextDatum("potential");
! 			}
  		tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls);
+ 	/* Cleanup */
+ 	pfree(sync_standbys);
  	/* clean up and return the tuplestore */
*** a/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
*** 2548,2553 **** static struct config_int ConfigureNamesInt[] =
--- 2548,2563 ----
+ 	{
+ 		{"synchronous_standby_num", PGC_SIGHUP, REPLICATION_MASTER,
+ 			gettext_noop("Number of potential synchronous standbys."),
+ 			NULL
+ 		},
+ 		&synchronous_standby_num,
+ 		-1, -1, INT_MAX,
+ 	},
  	/* End-of-list marker */
  		{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL
*** a/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample
--- b/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample
*** 235,240 ****
--- 235,241 ----
  #synchronous_standby_names = ''	# standby servers that provide sync rep
  				# comma-separated list of application_name
  				# from standby(s); '*' = all
+ #synchronous_standby_num = -1	# number of standbys servers using sync rep
  #vacuum_defer_cleanup_age = 0	# number of xacts by which cleanup is delayed
  # - Standby Servers -
*** a/src/include/replication/syncrep.h
--- b/src/include/replication/syncrep.h
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,39 ----
  /* user-settable parameters for synchronous replication */
  extern char *SyncRepStandbyNames;
+ extern int	synchronous_standby_num;
  /* called by user backend */
  extern void SyncRepWaitForLSN(XLogRecPtr XactCommitLSN);
*** 49,54 **** extern void SyncRepUpdateSyncStandbysDefined(void);
--- 50,56 ----
  /* called by various procs */
  extern int	SyncRepWakeQueue(bool all, int mode);
+ extern int *SyncRepGetSynchronousNodes(int *num_sync);
  extern bool check_synchronous_standby_names(char **newval, void **extra, GucSource source);
  extern void assign_synchronous_commit(int newval, void *extra);
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