On 27/09/14 11:36, Gregory Smith wrote:
On 9/26/14, 2:38 PM, Gavin Flower wrote:
Curious: would it be both feasible and useful to have multiple workers process a 'large' table, without complicating things too much? The could each start at a different position in the file.

Not really feasible without a major overhaul. It might be mildly useful in one rare case. Occasionally I'll find very hot single tables that vacuum is constantly processing, despite mostly living in RAM because the server has a lot of memory. You can set vacuum_cost_page_hit=0 in order to get vacuum to chug through such a table as fast as possible.

However, the speed at which that happens will often then be limited by how fast a single core can read from memory, for things in shared_buffers. That is limited by the speed of memory transfers from a single NUMA memory bank. Which bank you get will vary depending on the core that owns that part of shared_buffers' memory, but it's only one at a time.

On large servers, that can be only a small fraction of the total memory bandwidth the server is able to reach. I've attached a graph showing how this works on a system with many NUMA banks of RAM, and this is only a medium sized system. This server can hit 40GB/s of memory transfers in total; no one process will ever see more than 8GB/s.

If we had more vacuum processes running against the same table, there would then be more situations where they were doing work against different NUMA memory banks at the same time, therefore making faster progress through the hits in shared_buffers possible. In the real world, this situation is rare enough compared to disk-bound vacuum work that I doubt it's worth getting excited over. Systems with lots of RAM where performance is regularly dominated by one big ugly table are common though, so I wouldn't just rule the idea out as not useful either.

Thanks for the very detailed reply of yours, and the comments from others.


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