
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 02:43:01PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > To me, this is a bug in PostgreSQL.
> I disagree: just because cygipc returns error codes chosen at random
> doesn't mean that we should neglect the clear meaning of an error
> code.  If a normal Unix system were to return EACCES here, the clear
> implication would be that there is an existing segment that we do not
> have permission to access.  I don't see how "cygipc isn't running" can
> reasonably be translated into "permission denied".
> [snip]
> > My first thought was ENOSYS (system call not implemented -- what BSD
> > kernels tend to return if you didn't compile them with SysV IPC
> > support), but that isn't a clearly superior choice either.
> If you can detect that cygipc is not running, then ENOSYS seems the
> best choice for reporting that.  (ENOSPC would be misleading too.)
> If it's impractical to fix cygipc then I'd grudgingly go along with
>         if (errno == EEXIST
> #ifndef __CYWGIN__                   /* cygipc is broken */
>             || errno == EACCES
> #endif
> #ifdef EIDRM
>             || errno == EIDRM
> #endif
>             )
>             return NULL;

Thanks for your feedback.  I will take this to the Cygwin list and see
what happens.  Unfortunately, the cygipc maintainer is "AWOL" right now
because of Ph.D. thesis commitments.  Hence, even if I can get the
Cygwin community to agree to this change, there may not be an official
cygipc release for a while.


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