On 9/30/14 5:17 PM, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
I'm actually now leaning towards providing just a single function,
pgp_armor_headers(text, key OUT text, value OUT text), which returns all
the keys and values. That gives maximum flexibility, and leaves it up to
the user to decide what to do with duplicate keys. It's pretty easy to
use that to extract just a single header, too:


What do you think? Attached patch implements that, but the docs and
regression tests now need adjustment.

(You forgot the patch, but I can imagine what it would have been.)

I'm not exactly sure to be honest. I would personally like to see a simple function for extracting a single header value in a scalar context without having to deal with all the pain of SRFs, multiple matches and no matches. Sure, that got a lot better in 9.3 with LATERAL but it's still way inferior to pgp_armor_header().

I can also see why someone would argue that I should just create the function myself and that it doesn't have to be shipped with postgres. But on the other hand, this is already an extension one has to explicitly go and CREATE, and that considered one more function probably wouldn't hurt too much.

But either way I won't be unhappy, so it's up to you (and/or other members of the community) to decide this one.


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