* Jim Nasby (jim.na...@bluetreble.com) wrote:
> I'm thinking it would be better to have something you could set at a session 
> level, so you don't have to stick EXPLAIN in front of all your DDL.

Right, I'm agreed there.

> As for the dry-run idea, I don't think that's really necessary. I've never 
> seen anyone serious that doesn't have a development environment, which is 
> where you would simply deploy the real DDL using "verbose" mode and see what 
> the underlying commands actually do.

That's certainly an interesting point and perhaps what we'd do is,
instead, have a "collect info on locks needed" mode- but otherwise, let
everything run as-is.  You could then take the report at the end of the
transaction and use it to identify what would be needed in production
and maybe even have a script created which grabs all the locks using
'nowait' or fails the whole thing if it isn't possible..

Of course, we kind of have that already...  Just look at the locks
you've acquired at the end of the transaction..



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