On 10/6/14, 11:24 PM, Robert Haas wrote:


FWIW, I've run into situations more than once in userspace where I need a
way to properly separate schema and object name. Generally I can make do
using reg* casts and then hitting catalog tables, but it'd be nice if there
was an easier way.

Sure, although I think that's a bit of a separate problem.  It's hard
to iterate through a string a character at a time from the SQL level
so that you can handle stuff like the quote_literal() rules.  If we
want people to be able to do that easily we need to provide tools to
handle it.  But C is actually quite well-suited to such tasks.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to attempt this in SQL; I was saying that a built-in 
function to do this would be broadly useful, not just for replicating DROPs.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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