On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 7:32 AM, CK Tan <ck...@vitessedata.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Vitesse DB 9.3.5.S is Postgres 9.3.5 with a LLVM-JIT query executor
>> designed for compute intensive OLAP workload. We have gotten it to a
>> reasonable state and would like to open it up to the pg hackers
>> community for testing and suggestions.
>> Vitesse DB offers
>> -- JIT Compilation for compute-intensive queries
>> -- CSV parsing with SSE instructions
>> -- 100% binary compatibility with PG9.3.5.
>> Our results show CSV imports run up to 2X faster, and TPCH Q1 runs 8X faster.
>> Our TPCH 1GB benchmark results is also available at
>> http://vitessedata.com/benchmark/ .
>> Please direct any questions by email to ck...@vitessedata.com .
> You offer a binary with 32k block size...what's the rationale for that?

(sorry for the double post)

OK, I downloaded the ubuntu binary and ran your benchmarks (after
making some minor .conf tweaks like disabling SSL).  I then ran your
benchmark (after fixing the typo) of the count/sum/avg test -- *and
noticed a 95% reduction in runtime performance* which is really quite
amazing IMNSHO.  I also ran a select only test on small scale factor
pgbench and didn't see any regression there -- in fact you beat stock
by ~ 3% (although this could be measurement noise).   So now you've
got my attention.  So, if you don't mind, quit being coy and explain
how the software works and all the neat things it does and doesn't do.


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