On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:47 AM, CK Tan <ck...@vitessedata.com> wrote:
> Merlin, glad you tried it.
> We take the query plan exactly as given by the planner, decide whether to JIT 
> or to punt depending on the cost. If we punt, it goes back to pg executor. If 
> we JIT, and if we could not proceed (usually of some operators we haven't 
> implemented yet), we again punt. Once we were able to generate the code, 
> there is no going back; we call into LLVM to obtain the function entry point, 
> and run it to completion. The 3% improvement you see in OLTP tests is 
> definitely noise.
> The bigint sum,avg,count case in the example you tried has some optimization. 
> We use int128 to accumulate the bigint instead of numeric in pg. Hence the 
> big speed up. Try the same query on int4 for the improvement where both pg 
> and vitessedb are using int4 in the execution.
> The speed up is really noticeable when the data type is nonvarlena. In the 
> varlena cases, we still call into pg routines most of the times. Again, try 
> the sum,avg,count query on numeric, and you will see what I mean.
> Also, we don't support UDF at the moment. So all queries involving UDF gets 
> sent to pg executor.
> On your question of 32k page size, the rational is that some of our customers 
> could be interested in a data warehouse on pg. 32k page size is a big win 
> when all you do is seqscan all day long.
> We are looking for bug reports at these stage and some stress tests done 
> without our own prejudices. Some test on real data in non prod setting on 
> queries that are highly CPU bound would be ideal.

One thing that I noticed is that when slamming your benchmark query
via pgbench, resident memory consumption was really aggressive and
would have taken down the server had I not spuriously stopped the
test.  Memory consumption did return to baseline after that so I
figured some type of llvm memory management games were going on.  This
isn't really a problem for most OLAP workloads but it's something to
be aware of.

Via 'perf top' on stock postgres, you see the usual suspects: palloc,
hash_search_etc.   On your build though HeapTuplesSatisfiesMVCC zooms
right to the top of the stack which is pretty interesting...the
executor is you've built is very lean and mean for sure.  A drop in
optimization engine with little no schema/sql changes is pretty neat
-- your primary competitor here is going to be column organized type
table solutions to olap type problems.


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