On 10/16/14, 11:48 PM, David Johnston wrote:
        We might as well allow a final trailing (or initial leading) comma on a
        values list at the same time:

    do you know, so this feature is a proprietary and it is not based on 
ANSI/SQL? Any user, that use this feature and will to port to other database 
will hate it.

​I've got no complaint if "at the same time" means that neither behavior is 
ever implemented...

As I originally posted, if we're going to do this I think we should do it 
*EVERYWHERE* commas are used as delimiters, save COPY input and output. Or we 
should at least get close to doing it everywhere. I think the only way things 
could get more annoying is if we accepted extra commas in SELECT but not in 
CREATE TABLE (as one example).

To me completeness is more important than whether we do it or not; that said, I 
like the idea (as well as supporting leading extra commas).
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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