On 10/22/2014 11:10 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Add a new p_tableref_hook function pointer, similar to p_paramref_hook.
Whenever the parser sees a RangeVar that it doesn't recognize (or actually,
I think it should call it *before* resolving regular tables, but let's
ignore that for now), it calls the p_tableref_hook. It can return a new
RelationParam node (similar to regular Param), which contains a numeric ID
for the table/tuplestore, as well as its tuple descriptor.

For the execution phase, add a new array of Tuplestorestates to
ParamListInfo. Similar to the existing array of ParamExternalDatas.

I haven't been following this issue closely, but this sounds like a
really nice design.

I'm on board with the parser hooks part of that.  I don't especially agree
with the idea of a new sub-structure for ParamListInfo: if you do that you
will need a whole bunch of new boilerplate infrastructure to allocate,
copy, and generally manage that structure, for darn little gain.  What I'd
suggest is just saying that some Params might have type INTERNAL with
Datum values that are pointers to tuplestores; then all you need to do is
remember which Param number has been assigned to the particular tuplestore
you want.  There is already precedent for that in the recursive CTE code,

Studying this proposed design a bit further, I am a little fuzzy on
what is supposed to happen in this design during parse analysis.  In
Kevin's current code, after checking whether a RangeVar might be a CTE
reference and before deciding that it must be a table reference,
scanNameSpaceForTsr() is used to check whether there's a tuplestore by
that name and, if so, then we insert a RTE with type RTE_TUPLESTORE
which references the tuplestore by name.  To me, the obvious thing to
do here seems to be to instead call p_tableref_hook and let it return
a suitable RangeTblRef (or NULL if it wishes to take no action).  In
the case where the hook wants to redirect the use of that name to a
tuplestore, it can add a range-table entry of type RTE_TUPLESTORE, and
that entry can store a parameter-index rather than, as in the current
design, a name.  But then where does Heikki's notion of a
RelationParam get used?

I was thinking that the hook would return a RelationParam. When parse analysis sees the returned RelationParam, it adds an entry for that to the range table, and creates the RangeTblRef for it. The way you describe it works too, but manipulating the range table directly in the hook seems a bit too low-level.

- Heikki

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