On 10/20/14 8:53 PM, Wim Lewis wrote:
> Apple has published their changes to Postgres (since they ship it in recent 
> versions of OSX) here, fwiw, including the launchd plist they use: 
> http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/PostgreSQL/
> One thing I noticed is that Apple also used the label “org.postgres.postgres” 
> for their launchd job. I don’t know if that will collide in some way with a 
> second job with the same label. Launchctl load/unload takes a pathname, not a 
> job label, so I don’t think it’d be a problem unless you actually do want to 
> run both copies of postgres at the same time.

I have a file /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.postgres.plist that
uses the label com.apple.postgres instead.

> MacPorts also has a launchd job for their postgresql port, which invokes 
> daemondo, which invokes a wrapper script, which invokes postgres. I’m not 
> sure why they did it that way.

Probably because it's apparently really difficult to do it in a
different way.

>> 2) AFAICS, this .plist file doesn't do anything about launchd's habit of not 
>> waiting for the network to come up. 
> Have you experimented with this setting?:
>    <key>KeepAlive</key>
>    <dict><key>NetworkState</key><true/></dict>
> The launchd.plist man page claims that if you set that key in the 
> sub-dictionary:
>> If true, the job will be kept alive as long as the network is up, where up 
>> is defined as at least one non-loopback  interface being up and having IPv4 
>> or IPv6 addresses assigned to them.  If false, the job will be kept alive in 
>> the inverse condition.

My launchd.plist man page says:

   NetworkState <boolean>
   This key is no longer implemented as it never acted how most users

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