I wrote:
> We could reduce the risks involved by narrowing the cases in which
> ExecEvalWholeRowVar will replace field names it got from the input.
> I'd be inclined to propose:

> 1. If Var is of a named composite type, use *exactly* the field names
> associated with that type.  (This avoids the need to possibly produce
> RECORD outputs from a named-type Var, thus removing the Assert-weakening
> issue.)

> 2. If Var is of type RECORD, replace only empty field names with aliases
> from the RTE.  (This might sound inconsistent --- could you end up with
> some names coming from point A and some from point B? --- but in practice
> I think it would always be all-or-nothing, because the issue is whether
> or not the planner bothered to attach column names to a lower-level
> targetlist.)

Attached are patches meant for HEAD and 9.2-9.4 respectively.  The HEAD
patch extends the prior patch to fix the RowExpr case I mentioned
yesterday.  The back-branch patch works as suggested above.  I added a
bunch of regression tests that document behavior in this area.  The two
patches include the same set of tests but have different expected output
for the cases we are intentionally not fixing in back branches.  If you
try the back-branch regression tests on an unpatched backend, you can
verify that the only cases that change behavior are ones where current
sources put out empty field names.

The test cases use row_to_json() so they could not be used directly before
9.2.  I tried the same cases using hstore(record) in 9.1.  While 9.1 does
some pretty darn dubious things, it does not produce empty field names in
any of these cases, so I think we probably should not consider
back-patching further than 9.2.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execQual.c b/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
index 7cfa63f..88af735 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
*** 50,55 ****
--- 50,56 ----
  #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
  #include "optimizer/planner.h"
  #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
+ #include "parser/parsetree.h"
  #include "pgstat.h"
  #include "utils/acl.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 712,717 ****
--- 713,720 ----
  	Var		   *variable = (Var *) wrvstate->xprstate.expr;
  	TupleTableSlot *slot;
+ 	TupleDesc	output_tupdesc;
+ 	MemoryContext oldcontext;
  	bool		needslow = false;
  	if (isDone)
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 787,794 ****
  			/* If so, build the junkfilter in the query memory context */
  			if (junk_filter_needed)
- 				MemoryContext oldcontext;
  				oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
  				wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter =
--- 790,795 ----
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 860,869 ****
  				needslow = true;	/* need runtime check for null */
! 	/* Skip the checking on future executions of node */
  	if (needslow)
  		wrvstate->xprstate.evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowSlow;
--- 861,920 ----
  				needslow = true;	/* need runtime check for null */
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Use the variable's declared rowtype as the descriptor for the
+ 		 * output values, modulo possibly assigning new column names below. In
+ 		 * particular, we *must* absorb any attisdropped markings.
+ 		 */
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
+ 		output_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(var_tupdesc);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+ 		 * In the RECORD case, we use the input slot's rowtype as the
+ 		 * descriptor for the output values, modulo possibly assigning new
+ 		 * column names below.
+ 		 */
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
+ 		output_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Construct a tuple descriptor for the composite values we'll produce,
! 	 * and make sure its record type is "blessed".  The main reason to do this
! 	 * is to be sure that operations such as row_to_json() will see the
! 	 * desired column names when they look up the descriptor from the type
! 	 * information embedded in the composite values.
! 	 *
! 	 * We already got the correct physical datatype info above, but now we
! 	 * should try to find the source RTE and adopt its column aliases, in case
! 	 * they are different from the original rowtype's names.  For example, in
! 	 * "SELECT foo(t) FROM tab t(x,y)", the first two columns in the composite
! 	 * output should be named "x" and "y" regardless of tab's column names.
! 	 *
! 	 * If we can't locate the RTE, assume the column names we've got are OK.
! 	 * (As of this writing, the only cases where we can't locate the RTE are
! 	 * in execution of trigger WHEN clauses, and then the Var will have the
! 	 * trigger's relation's rowtype, so its names are fine.)
! 	 */
! 	if (econtext->ecxt_estate &&
! 		variable->varno <= list_length(econtext->ecxt_estate->es_range_table))
! 	{
! 		RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(variable->varno,
! 									  econtext->ecxt_estate->es_range_table);
! 		ExecTypeSetColNames(output_tupdesc, rte->eref->colnames);
! 	}
! 	/* Bless the tupdesc if needed, and save it in the execution state */
! 	wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc = BlessTupleDesc(output_tupdesc);
! 	/* Skip all the above on future executions of node */
  	if (needslow)
  		wrvstate->xprstate.evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowSlow;
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowFast(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 886,892 ****
  	Var		   *variable = (Var *) wrvstate->xprstate.expr;
  	TupleTableSlot *slot;
- 	TupleDesc	slot_tupdesc;
  	HeapTupleHeader dtuple;
  	if (isDone)
--- 937,942 ----
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowFast(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 917,949 ****
  		slot = ExecFilterJunk(wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter, slot);
- 	 * If it's a RECORD Var, we'll use the slot's type ID info.  It's likely
- 	 * that the slot's type is also RECORD; if so, make sure it's been
- 	 * "blessed", so that the Datum can be interpreted later.  (Note: we must
- 	 * do this here, not in ExecEvalWholeRowVar, because some plan trees may
- 	 * return different slots at different times.  We have to be ready to
- 	 * bless additional slots during the run.)
- 	 */
- 	slot_tupdesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
- 	if (variable->vartype == RECORDOID &&
- 		slot_tupdesc->tdtypeid == RECORDOID &&
- 		slot_tupdesc->tdtypmod < 0)
- 		assign_record_type_typmod(slot_tupdesc);
- 	/*
  	 * Copy the slot tuple and make sure any toasted fields get detoasted.
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * If the Var identifies a named composite type, label the datum with that
! 	 * type; otherwise we'll use the slot's info.
! 	if (variable->vartype != RECORDOID)
! 	{
! 		HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, variable->vartype);
! 		HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, variable->vartypmod);
! 	}
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
--- 967,981 ----
  		slot = ExecFilterJunk(wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter, slot);
  	 * Copy the slot tuple and make sure any toasted fields get detoasted.
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Label the datum with the composite type info we identified before.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypeid);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypmod);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowSlow(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 997,1004 ****
  	tuple = ExecFetchSlotTuple(slot);
  	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
  	Assert(variable->vartype != RECORDOID);
! 	var_tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(variable->vartype, -1);
  	/* Check to see if any dropped attributes are non-null */
  	for (i = 0; i < var_tupdesc->natts; i++)
--- 1029,1037 ----
  	tuple = ExecFetchSlotTuple(slot);
  	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
+ 	/* wrv_tupdesc is a good enough representation of the Var's rowtype */
  	Assert(variable->vartype != RECORDOID);
! 	var_tupdesc = wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc;
  	/* Check to see if any dropped attributes are non-null */
  	for (i = 0; i < var_tupdesc->natts; i++)
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowSlow(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 1025,1036 ****
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Reset datum's type ID fields to match the Var.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, variable->vartype);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, variable->vartypmod);
! 	ReleaseTupleDesc(var_tupdesc);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
--- 1058,1067 ----
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Label the datum with the composite type info we identified before.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypeid);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypmod);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
*************** ExecEvalConvertRowtype(ConvertRowtypeExp
*** 2850,2857 ****
  		cstate->initialized = false;
! 	Assert(HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(tuple) == cstate->indesc->tdtypeid);
! 	Assert(HeapTupleHeaderGetTypMod(tuple) == cstate->indesc->tdtypmod);
  	/* if first time through, initialize conversion map */
  	if (!cstate->initialized)
--- 2881,2894 ----
  		cstate->initialized = false;
! 	/*
! 	 * We used to be able to assert that incoming tuples are marked with
! 	 * exactly the rowtype of cstate->indesc.  However, now that
! 	 * ExecEvalWholeRowVar might change the tuples' marking to plain RECORD
! 	 * due to inserting aliases, we can only make this weak test:
! 	 */
! 	Assert(HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(tuple) == cstate->indesc->tdtypeid ||
! 		   HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(tuple) == RECORDOID);
  	/* if first time through, initialize conversion map */
  	if (!cstate->initialized)
*************** ExecInitExpr(Expr *node, PlanState *pare
*** 4375,4380 ****
--- 4412,4418 ----
  				WholeRowVarExprState *wstate = makeNode(WholeRowVarExprState);
  				wstate->parent = parent;
+ 				wstate->wrv_tupdesc = NULL;
  				wstate->wrv_junkFilter = NULL;
  				state = (ExprState *) wstate;
  				state->evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowVar;
*************** ExecInitExpr(Expr *node, PlanState *pare
*** 4778,4794 ****
  				/* Build tupdesc to describe result tuples */
  				if (rowexpr->row_typeid == RECORDOID)
! 					/* generic record, use runtime type assignment */
! 					rstate->tupdesc = ExecTypeFromExprList(rowexpr->args,
! 														   rowexpr->colnames);
! 					BlessTupleDesc(rstate->tupdesc);
! 					/* we won't need to redo this at runtime */
  					/* it's been cast to a named type, use that */
  					rstate->tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc_copy(rowexpr->row_typeid, -1);
  				/* Set up evaluation, skipping any deleted columns */
  				Assert(list_length(rowexpr->args) <= rstate->tupdesc->natts);
  				attrs = rstate->tupdesc->attrs;
--- 4816,4833 ----
  				/* Build tupdesc to describe result tuples */
  				if (rowexpr->row_typeid == RECORDOID)
! 					/* generic record, use types of given expressions */
! 					rstate->tupdesc = ExecTypeFromExprList(rowexpr->args);
  					/* it's been cast to a named type, use that */
  					rstate->tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc_copy(rowexpr->row_typeid, -1);
+ 				/* In either case, adopt RowExpr's column aliases */
+ 				ExecTypeSetColNames(rstate->tupdesc, rowexpr->colnames);
+ 				/* Bless the tupdesc in case it's now of type RECORD */
+ 				BlessTupleDesc(rstate->tupdesc);
  				/* Set up evaluation, skipping any deleted columns */
  				Assert(list_length(rowexpr->args) <= rstate->tupdesc->natts);
  				attrs = rstate->tupdesc->attrs;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c b/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
index 7f43441..0811941 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
*************** ExecTypeFromTLInternal(List *targetList,
*** 943,970 ****
   * ExecTypeFromExprList - build a tuple descriptor from a list of Exprs
!  * Caller must also supply a list of field names (String nodes).
! ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList, List *namesList)
  	TupleDesc	typeInfo;
! 	ListCell   *le;
! 	ListCell   *ln;
  	int			cur_resno = 1;
- 	Assert(list_length(exprList) == list_length(namesList));
  	typeInfo = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(list_length(exprList), false);
! 	forboth(le, exprList, ln, namesList)
! 		Node	   *e = lfirst(le);
! 		char	   *n = strVal(lfirst(ln));
! 						   n,
--- 943,967 ----
   * ExecTypeFromExprList - build a tuple descriptor from a list of Exprs
!  * This is roughly like ExecTypeFromTL, but we work from bare expressions
!  * not TargetEntrys.  No names are attached to the tupledesc's columns.
! ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList)
  	TupleDesc	typeInfo;
! 	ListCell   *lc;
  	int			cur_resno = 1;
  	typeInfo = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(list_length(exprList), false);
! 	foreach(lc, exprList)
! 		Node	   *e = lfirst(lc);
! 						   NULL,
*************** ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList, Lis
*** 978,983 ****
--- 975,1028 ----
+  * ExecTypeSetColNames - set column names in a TupleDesc
+  *
+  * Column names must be provided as an alias list (list of String nodes).
+  *
+  * For some callers, the supplied tupdesc has a named rowtype (not RECORD)
+  * and it is moderately likely that the alias list matches the column names
+  * already present in the tupdesc.  If we do change any column names then
+  * we must reset the tupdesc's type to anonymous RECORD; but we avoid doing
+  * so if no names change.
+  */
+ void
+ ExecTypeSetColNames(TupleDesc typeInfo, List *namesList)
+ {
+ 	bool		modified = false;
+ 	int			colno = 0;
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	foreach(lc, namesList)
+ 	{
+ 		char	   *cname = strVal(lfirst(lc));
+ 		Form_pg_attribute attr;
+ 		/* Guard against too-long names list */
+ 		if (colno >= typeInfo->natts)
+ 			break;
+ 		attr = typeInfo->attrs[colno++];
+ 		/* Ignore empty aliases (these must be for dropped columns) */
+ 		if (cname[0] == '\0')
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Change tupdesc only if alias is actually different */
+ 		if (strcmp(cname, NameStr(attr->attname)) != 0)
+ 		{
+ 			namestrcpy(&(attr->attname), cname);
+ 			modified = true;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* If we modified the tupdesc, it's now a new record type */
+ 	if (modified)
+ 	{
+ 		typeInfo->tdtypeid = RECORDOID;
+ 		typeInfo->tdtypmod = -1;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
   * BlessTupleDesc - make a completed tuple descriptor useful for SRFs
   * Rowtype Datums returned by a function must contain valid type information.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeFunctionscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeFunctionscan.c
index 945a414..4641708 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeFunctionscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeFunctionscan.c
*** 26,32 ****
  #include "executor/nodeFunctionscan.h"
  #include "funcapi.h"
  #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
- #include "parser/parsetree.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
  #include "utils/memutils.h"
--- 26,31 ----
*************** FunctionScanState *
*** 279,286 ****
  ExecInitFunctionScan(FunctionScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  	FunctionScanState *scanstate;
- 	RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(node->scan.scanrelid,
- 								  estate->es_range_table);
  	int			nfuncs = list_length(node->functions);
  	TupleDesc	scan_tupdesc;
  	int			i,
--- 278,283 ----
*************** ExecInitFunctionScan(FunctionScan *node,
*** 494,515 ****
  		Assert(attno == natts);
- 	/*
- 	 * Make sure the scan result tupdesc has the column names the query
- 	 * expects.  This affects the output of constructs like row_to_json which
- 	 * read the column names from the passed-in tupdesc.
- 	 */
- 	i = 0;
- 	foreach(lc, rte->eref->colnames)
- 	{
- 		char	   *attname = strVal(lfirst(lc));
- 		if (i >= scan_tupdesc->natts)
- 			break;				/* shouldn't happen, but just in case */
- 		namestrcpy(&(scan_tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname), attname);
- 		i++;
- 	}
  	ExecAssignScanType(&scanstate->ss, scan_tupdesc);
--- 491,496 ----
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeValuesscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeValuesscan.c
index 83b1324..d49a473 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeValuesscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeValuesscan.c
*** 25,31 ****
  #include "executor/executor.h"
  #include "executor/nodeValuesscan.h"
- #include "parser/parsetree.h"
  static TupleTableSlot *ValuesNext(ValuesScanState *node);
--- 25,30 ----
*************** ValuesScanState *
*** 189,196 ****
  ExecInitValuesScan(ValuesScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
  	ValuesScanState *scanstate;
- 	RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(node->scan.scanrelid,
- 								  estate->es_range_table);
  	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
  	ListCell   *vtl;
  	int			i;
--- 188,193 ----
*************** ExecInitValuesScan(ValuesScan *node, ESt
*** 242,249 ****
  	 * get info about values list
! 	tupdesc = ExecTypeFromExprList((List *) linitial(node->values_lists),
! 								   rte->eref->colnames);
  	ExecAssignScanType(&scanstate->ss, tupdesc);
--- 239,245 ----
  	 * get info about values list
! 	tupdesc = ExecTypeFromExprList((List *) linitial(node->values_lists));
  	ExecAssignScanType(&scanstate->ss, tupdesc);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/executor.h b/src/include/executor/executor.h
index a44b4cd..f1b65b4 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/executor.h
--- b/src/include/executor/executor.h
*************** extern TupleTableSlot *ExecInitNullTuple
*** 268,274 ****
  					  TupleDesc tupType);
  extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
  extern TupleDesc ExecCleanTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
! extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList, List *namesList);
  extern void UpdateChangedParamSet(PlanState *node, Bitmapset *newchg);
  typedef struct TupOutputState
--- 268,275 ----
  					  TupleDesc tupType);
  extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
  extern TupleDesc ExecCleanTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
! extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList);
! extern void ExecTypeSetColNames(TupleDesc typeInfo, List *namesList);
  extern void UpdateChangedParamSet(PlanState *node, Bitmapset *newchg);
  typedef struct TupOutputState
diff --git a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
index b72e605..8c8c01f 100644
*** a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
*************** typedef struct WholeRowVarExprState
*** 578,583 ****
--- 578,584 ----
  	ExprState	xprstate;
  	struct PlanState *parent;	/* parent PlanState, or NULL if none */
+ 	TupleDesc	wrv_tupdesc;	/* descriptor for resulting tuples */
  	JunkFilter *wrv_junkFilter; /* JunkFilter to remove resjunk cols */
  } WholeRowVarExprState;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out b/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
index 88e7bfa..54525de 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
*************** select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;  -- er
*** 474,476 ****
--- 474,636 ----
  ERROR:  could not identify column "text" in record data type
  LINE 1: select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;
+ --
+ -- Test that composite values are seen to have the correct column names
+ -- (bug #11210 and other reports)
+ --
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i(x,y);
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"x":123,"y":456}
+  {"x":123,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":123}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ create temp view vv1 as select * from int8_tbl;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i(x,y);
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"x":123,"y":456}
+  {"x":123,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":123}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl) as ss;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss;
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"a":123,"b":456}
+  {"a":123,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":123}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"a":123,"b":456}
+  {"a":123,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":123}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss(x,y);
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"x":123,"y":456}
+  {"x":123,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":123}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss(x,y);
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"x":123,"y":456}
+  {"x":123,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":123}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ explain (costs off)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+                          QUERY PLAN                          
+ -------------------------------------------------------------
+  Subquery Scan on q
+    ->  Index Only Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1
+          Index Cond: ((thousand = 42) AND (tenthous < 2000))
+ (3 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+            row_to_json           
+ ---------------------------------
+  {"thousand":42,"tenthous":42}
+  {"thousand":42,"tenthous":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+     row_to_json    
+ -------------------
+  {"x":42,"y":42}
+  {"x":42,"y":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q(a,b);
+     row_to_json    
+ -------------------
+  {"a":42,"b":42}
+  {"a":42,"b":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ create temp table tt1 as select * from int8_tbl limit 2;
+ create temp table tt2 () inherits(tt1);
+ insert into tt2 values(0,0);
+ select row_to_json(r) from (select q2,q1 from tt1 offset 0) r;
+            row_to_json            
+ ----------------------------------
+  {"q2":456,"q1":123}
+  {"q2":4567890123456789,"q1":123}
+  {"q2":0,"q1":0}
+ (3 rows)
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
index 65ebdc5..bc3f021 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
*************** select cast (row('Jim', 'Beam') as text)
*** 227,229 ****
--- 227,273 ----
  select (row('Jim', 'Beam'))::text;
  select text(row('Jim', 'Beam'));  -- error
  select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;  -- error
+ --
+ -- Test that composite values are seen to have the correct column names
+ -- (bug #11210 and other reports)
+ --
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i;
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i(x,y);
+ create temp view vv1 as select * from int8_tbl;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i(x,y);
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss(x,y);
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss(x,y);
+ explain (costs off)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q(a,b);
+ create temp table tt1 as select * from int8_tbl limit 2;
+ create temp table tt2 () inherits(tt1);
+ insert into tt2 values(0,0);
+ select row_to_json(r) from (select q2,q1 from tt1 offset 0) r;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execQual.c b/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
index 7cfa63f..8a13ac4 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execQual.c
*** 50,55 ****
--- 50,56 ----
  #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
  #include "optimizer/planner.h"
  #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
+ #include "parser/parsetree.h"
  #include "pgstat.h"
  #include "utils/acl.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 712,717 ****
--- 713,720 ----
  	Var		   *variable = (Var *) wrvstate->xprstate.expr;
  	TupleTableSlot *slot;
+ 	TupleDesc	output_tupdesc;
+ 	MemoryContext oldcontext;
  	bool		needslow = false;
  	if (isDone)
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 787,794 ****
  			/* If so, build the junkfilter in the query memory context */
  			if (junk_filter_needed)
- 				MemoryContext oldcontext;
  				oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
  				wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter =
--- 790,795 ----
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowVar(WholeRowVarExprState
*** 860,869 ****
  				needslow = true;	/* need runtime check for null */
! 	/* Skip the checking on future executions of node */
  	if (needslow)
  		wrvstate->xprstate.evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowSlow;
--- 861,921 ----
  				needslow = true;	/* need runtime check for null */
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Use the variable's declared rowtype as the descriptor for the
+ 		 * output values.  In particular, we *must* absorb any attisdropped
+ 		 * markings.
+ 		 */
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
+ 		output_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(var_tupdesc);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+ 		 * In the RECORD case, we use the input slot's rowtype as the
+ 		 * descriptor for the output values, modulo possibly assigning new
+ 		 * column names below.
+ 		 */
+ 		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
+ 		output_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
+ 		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Construct a tuple descriptor for the composite values we'll produce,
! 	 * and make sure its record type is "blessed".  The main reason to do this
! 	 * is to be sure that operations such as row_to_json() will see the
! 	 * desired column names when they look up the descriptor from the type
! 	 * information embedded in the composite values.
! 	 *
! 	 * We already got the correct physical datatype info above, but now we
! 	 * should try to find the source RTE and adopt its column aliases, in case
! 	 * they are different from the original rowtype's names.  But to minimize
! 	 * compatibility breakage, don't do this for Vars of named composite
! 	 * types, only for Vars of type RECORD.
! 	 *
! 	 * If we can't locate the RTE, assume the column names we've got are OK.
! 	 * (As of this writing, the only cases where we can't locate the RTE are
! 	 * in execution of trigger WHEN clauses, and then the Var will have the
! 	 * trigger's relation's rowtype, so its names are fine.)
! 	 */
! 	if (variable->vartype == RECORDOID &&
! 		econtext->ecxt_estate &&
! 		variable->varno <= list_length(econtext->ecxt_estate->es_range_table))
! 	{
! 		RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(variable->varno,
! 									  econtext->ecxt_estate->es_range_table);
! 		ExecTypeSetColNames(output_tupdesc, rte->eref->colnames);
! 	}
! 	/* Bless the tupdesc if needed, and save it in the execution state */
! 	wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc = BlessTupleDesc(output_tupdesc);
! 	/* Skip all the above on future executions of node */
  	if (needslow)
  		wrvstate->xprstate.evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowSlow;
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowFast(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 886,892 ****
  	Var		   *variable = (Var *) wrvstate->xprstate.expr;
  	TupleTableSlot *slot;
- 	TupleDesc	slot_tupdesc;
  	HeapTupleHeader dtuple;
  	if (isDone)
--- 938,943 ----
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowFast(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 917,949 ****
  		slot = ExecFilterJunk(wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter, slot);
- 	 * If it's a RECORD Var, we'll use the slot's type ID info.  It's likely
- 	 * that the slot's type is also RECORD; if so, make sure it's been
- 	 * "blessed", so that the Datum can be interpreted later.  (Note: we must
- 	 * do this here, not in ExecEvalWholeRowVar, because some plan trees may
- 	 * return different slots at different times.  We have to be ready to
- 	 * bless additional slots during the run.)
- 	 */
- 	slot_tupdesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
- 	if (variable->vartype == RECORDOID &&
- 		slot_tupdesc->tdtypeid == RECORDOID &&
- 		slot_tupdesc->tdtypmod < 0)
- 		assign_record_type_typmod(slot_tupdesc);
- 	/*
  	 * Copy the slot tuple and make sure any toasted fields get detoasted.
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * If the Var identifies a named composite type, label the datum with that
! 	 * type; otherwise we'll use the slot's info.
! 	if (variable->vartype != RECORDOID)
! 	{
! 		HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, variable->vartype);
! 		HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, variable->vartypmod);
! 	}
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
--- 968,982 ----
  		slot = ExecFilterJunk(wrvstate->wrv_junkFilter, slot);
  	 * Copy the slot tuple and make sure any toasted fields get detoasted.
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Label the datum with the composite type info we identified before.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypeid);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypmod);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowSlow(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 997,1004 ****
  	tuple = ExecFetchSlotTuple(slot);
  	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
  	Assert(variable->vartype != RECORDOID);
! 	var_tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(variable->vartype, -1);
  	/* Check to see if any dropped attributes are non-null */
  	for (i = 0; i < var_tupdesc->natts; i++)
--- 1030,1038 ----
  	tuple = ExecFetchSlotTuple(slot);
  	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
+ 	/* wrv_tupdesc is a good enough representation of the Var's rowtype */
  	Assert(variable->vartype != RECORDOID);
! 	var_tupdesc = wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc;
  	/* Check to see if any dropped attributes are non-null */
  	for (i = 0; i < var_tupdesc->natts; i++)
*************** ExecEvalWholeRowSlow(WholeRowVarExprStat
*** 1025,1036 ****
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Reset datum's type ID fields to match the Var.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, variable->vartype);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, variable->vartypmod);
! 	ReleaseTupleDesc(var_tupdesc);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
--- 1059,1068 ----
  	dtuple = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(slot));
! 	 * Label the datum with the composite type info we identified before.
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypeid);
! 	HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(dtuple, wrvstate->wrv_tupdesc->tdtypmod);
  	return PointerGetDatum(dtuple);
*************** ExecInitExpr(Expr *node, PlanState *pare
*** 4375,4380 ****
--- 4407,4413 ----
  				WholeRowVarExprState *wstate = makeNode(WholeRowVarExprState);
  				wstate->parent = parent;
+ 				wstate->wrv_tupdesc = NULL;
  				wstate->wrv_junkFilter = NULL;
  				state = (ExprState *) wstate;
  				state->evalfunc = (ExprStateEvalFunc) ExecEvalWholeRowVar;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c b/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
index 66515f7..6a0792b 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c
*************** ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList, Lis
*** 985,990 ****
--- 985,1033 ----
+  * ExecTypeSetColNames - set column names in a TupleDesc
+  *
+  * Column names must be provided as an alias list (list of String nodes).
+  * We set names only in TupleDesc columns that lacked one before.
+  */
+ void
+ ExecTypeSetColNames(TupleDesc typeInfo, List *namesList)
+ {
+ 	bool		modified = false;
+ 	int			colno = 0;
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	foreach(lc, namesList)
+ 	{
+ 		char	   *cname = strVal(lfirst(lc));
+ 		Form_pg_attribute attr;
+ 		/* Guard against too-long names list */
+ 		if (colno >= typeInfo->natts)
+ 			break;
+ 		attr = typeInfo->attrs[colno++];
+ 		/* Ignore empty aliases (these must be for dropped columns) */
+ 		if (cname[0] == '\0')
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Change tupdesc only if we didn't have a name before */
+ 		if (NameStr(attr->attname)[0] == '\0')
+ 		{
+ 			namestrcpy(&(attr->attname), cname);
+ 			modified = true;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* If we modified the tupdesc, it's now a new record type */
+ 	if (modified)
+ 	{
+ 		typeInfo->tdtypeid = RECORDOID;
+ 		typeInfo->tdtypmod = -1;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
   * BlessTupleDesc - make a completed tuple descriptor useful for SRFs
   * Rowtype Datums returned by a function must contain valid type information.
diff --git a/src/include/executor/executor.h b/src/include/executor/executor.h
index 0266135..21e9e3b 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/executor.h
--- b/src/include/executor/executor.h
*************** extern TupleTableSlot *ExecInitNullTuple
*** 266,271 ****
--- 266,272 ----
  extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
  extern TupleDesc ExecCleanTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid);
  extern TupleDesc ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList, List *namesList);
+ extern void ExecTypeSetColNames(TupleDesc typeInfo, List *namesList);
  extern void UpdateChangedParamSet(PlanState *node, Bitmapset *newchg);
  typedef struct TupOutputState
diff --git a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
index fae2811..aaf9a55 100644
*** a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
*************** typedef struct WholeRowVarExprState
*** 578,583 ****
--- 578,584 ----
  	ExprState	xprstate;
  	struct PlanState *parent;	/* parent PlanState, or NULL if none */
  	JunkFilter *wrv_junkFilter; /* JunkFilter to remove resjunk cols */
+ 	TupleDesc	wrv_tupdesc;	/* descriptor for resulting tuples */
  } WholeRowVarExprState;
  /* ----------------
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out b/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
index 88e7bfa..d7f1dd5 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/rowtypes.out
*************** select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;  -- er
*** 474,476 ****
--- 474,636 ----
  ERROR:  could not identify column "text" in record data type
  LINE 1: select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;
+ --
+ -- Test that composite values are seen to have the correct column names
+ -- (bug #11210 and other reports)
+ --
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i(x,y);
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ create temp view vv1 as select * from int8_tbl;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i(x,y);
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl) as ss;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss;
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"a":123,"b":456}
+  {"a":123,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":123}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":4567890123456789}
+  {"a":4567890123456789,"b":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss(x,y);
+                  row_to_json                  
+ ----------------------------------------------
+  {"x":123,"y":456}
+  {"x":123,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":123}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":4567890123456789}
+  {"x":4567890123456789,"y":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss(x,y);
+                   row_to_json                   
+ ------------------------------------------------
+  {"q1":123,"q2":456}
+  {"q1":123,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":123}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":4567890123456789}
+  {"q1":4567890123456789,"q2":-4567890123456789}
+ (5 rows)
+ explain (costs off)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+                          QUERY PLAN                          
+ -------------------------------------------------------------
+  Subquery Scan on q
+    ->  Index Only Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1
+          Index Cond: ((thousand = 42) AND (tenthous < 2000))
+ (3 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+            row_to_json           
+ ---------------------------------
+  {"thousand":42,"tenthous":42}
+  {"thousand":42,"tenthous":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+     row_to_json    
+ -------------------
+  {"x":42,"y":42}
+  {"x":42,"y":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q(a,b);
+     row_to_json    
+ -------------------
+  {"a":42,"b":42}
+  {"a":42,"b":1042}
+ (2 rows)
+ create temp table tt1 as select * from int8_tbl limit 2;
+ create temp table tt2 () inherits(tt1);
+ insert into tt2 values(0,0);
+ select row_to_json(r) from (select q2,q1 from tt1 offset 0) r;
+            row_to_json            
+ ----------------------------------
+  {"q2":456,"q1":123}
+  {"q2":4567890123456789,"q1":123}
+  {"q2":0,"q1":0}
+ (3 rows)
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
index 65ebdc5..bc3f021 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/rowtypes.sql
*************** select cast (row('Jim', 'Beam') as text)
*** 227,229 ****
--- 227,273 ----
  select (row('Jim', 'Beam'))::text;
  select text(row('Jim', 'Beam'));  -- error
  select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text;  -- error
+ --
+ -- Test that composite values are seen to have the correct column names
+ -- (bug #11210 and other reports)
+ --
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i;
+ select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i(x,y);
+ create temp view vv1 as select * from int8_tbl;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i;
+ select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i(x,y);
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1, q2 from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss(x,y);
+ select row_to_json(ss) from
+   (select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss(x,y);
+ explain (costs off)
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
+ select row_to_json(q) from
+   (select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
+    where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q(a,b);
+ create temp table tt1 as select * from int8_tbl limit 2;
+ create temp table tt2 () inherits(tt1);
+ insert into tt2 values(0,0);
+ select row_to_json(r) from (select q2,q1 from tt1 offset 0) r;
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