* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> 2. It's not clear that we're going to have a particularly-impressive
> list of major features for 9.5.  So far we've got RLS and BRIN. I
> expect that GROUPING SETS is far enough along that it should be
> possible to get it in before development ends, and there are a few
> performance patches pending (Andres's lwlock scalability patches,
> Rahila's work on compressing full-page writes) that I think will
> probably make the grade.  But after that it seems to me that it gets
> pretty thin on the ground.  

When it comes to a list of major features for 9.5, it'd be pretty
terrible, imv, if we manage to screw up and not get UPSERT taken care
of (again..).  BDR will be great to have too, but we lose out far more
often for lack of what those outside the community perceive as a simple
and obvious feature that nearly every other system they deal with has.

> Now, against all that, if we don't get back on our usual release
> schedule then (a) it will look like we're losing momentum, which I'm
> actually afraid may be true rather than merely a perception, and (b)
> people whose stuff did get in will have to wait longer to see it
> released.  So, I'm not sure waiting is any better.  But there are
> certainly some things not to like about where we are.

I agree with both of these.  It doesn't help that we have non-committers
working on major patches for years and aren't able to see the fruits of
their labors.  I'm as much at fault for that happening at times as
anyone and I don't have any silver bullets but I certainly don't like



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