
* David Rowley (dgrowle...@gmail.com) wrote:
> I'd just like to add something which might be flying below the radar of
> more senior people. There are people out there  (ike me)  working on
> PostgreSQL more for the challenge and perhaps the love of the product, who
> make absolutely zero money out of it. For these people getting credit where
> it's due is very important. I'm pretty happy with this at the moment and I
> can't imagine any situation where not crediting reviewers would be
> beneficial to anyone.

Thanks for this.  One question which has been brought up in the past is
the specific "level" of credit.  That you're happy with the credit
you've been given thus far is great as it happens to support the side
that I'm on. :D

However, could you quantify what, exactly, you feel is approrpiate
credit for reviewers and authors..?  I'll intentionally omit the options
that have been presented in the past to try and avoid influencing your



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