On 12/19/14, 6:16 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Could we establish an expectation that whoever sets a CF entry to "ready
for committer" is responsible for reviewing the authors/reviewers lists
and making sure that those fairly represent who should get credit?  That
would divide the labor a bit, and there would also be time enough for
corrections if anyone feels slighted.  The idea's not perfect since major
contributions could still happen after that point; but I think the major
risk is with the committer not remembering people who contributed early
in the patch's life cycle, and we could certainly hope that such people
get listed in the CF app entry.

Perhaps go even one step further and let a reviewer draft the actual commit 
message? That would further reduce committer workload, assuming the committer 
agrees with the draft commit message.

Alternatively we could abandon the practice of using the commit log for
this purpose, which could simplify making after-the-fact corrections.
But then we'd have to set up some other recording infrastructure and work
flow for getting the info into the release notes.  That sounds like a lot
of work compared to the probable value.

git does allow you to revise a commit message; it just makes downstream pulls 
uglier if the commit was already pushed (see 
https://help.github.com/articles/changing-a-commit-message/). It might be 
possible to minimize or even eliminate that pain via git hooks.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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