I'm trying to compare v5 and v6 in my laptop right now.  Apparently my
laptop is quite a bit faster than your machine because the tests complete
in roughly 3.3 seconds.

I added more data and didn't see anything other than noise.  (Then again
the queries were dominated by the disk sort so I should retry with larger
work_mem).  I'll try it again when I have more time to play with it.  I
suspect the benefits would be more clear over a network.

Larger than default work_mem yes, but I think one of the prime use case for
the fdw is for more warehouse style situations (PostgresXL style use
cases).  In those cases, work_mem might reasonably be set to 1GB.  Then
even if you have 10KB rows you can fetch a million rows and still be using
less than work_mem.  A simpler change would be to vary it with respect to

Half baked idea: I know its the wrong time in the execution phase, but if
you are using remote estimates for cost there should also be a row width
estimate which I believe is based from pg_statistic and its mean column

Its actually a pity that there is no way to set fetch sizes based on "give
me as many tuples as will fit in less than x amount of memory".  Because
that is almost always exactly what you want.  Even when writing application
code, I've never actually wanted precisely 10,000 rows; I've always wanted
"a reasonable size chunk that could fit into memory" and then backed my way
into how many rows I wanted.  If we were to extend FETCH to support syntax
like: FETCH FORWARD '10MB' FROM ...; then we would eliminate the need
estimate the value on the fly.

The async stuff, however, is a huge improvement over the last time I played
with the fdw.  The two active postgres processes were easily consuming a
core and half of CPU.  I think its not worth tying these two things
together.  Its probably worth it to make these two separate discussions and
separate patches.

- Matt Kelly

*Just sanity checking myself: Shutting down the server, applying the
different patch, 'make clean install' in postgres_fdw, and then restarting
the server should obviously be sufficient to make sure its running the new
code because that is all linked at runtime, right?

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