At 12:37 AM 2/12/2002 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
If you're seeing bloat while using plain (not full) vacuums, my guess
would be that you need to enlarge the FSM parameters in postgresql.conf.
Good call; they are still default (10000 pages) and we are seeing 26000 pages per day being updated:

NOTICE: Removed 102226 tuples in 26002 pages.
CPU 2.02s/1.87u sec elapsed 69.85 sec.
NOTICE: Pages 201819: Changed 26128, Empty 0; Tup 315227: Vac 102226, Keep 0, UnUsed 393793.
Total CPU 9.57s/3.07u sec elapsed 189.32 sec.

I've increased the value to 40000 since we have much busier days, and I'll se what happens.

Is there any way (other than VACUUM FULL) to recover the current lost space?

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