On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a little confused as to the status of this patch.  It's marked as
> Waiting on Author in the CommitFest application, and the last patch
> version was posted in December.  The fact that the new CommitFest
> application encourages people to blindly move things to the next CF
> instead of forcing patch authors to reopen the record when they update
> the patch is, IMHO, not good.  It's just going to lead to the CF
> application filling up with things that the authors aren't really
> working on.  We've got enough work to do with the patches that are
> actually under active development.

Maybe there should be a "stalled" patch status summary, that
highlights patches that have not had their status change in (say) 2
weeks. Although it wouldn't really be a status summary, since that
they're mutually exclusive with each other in the CF app (e.g. a patch
cannot be both "Waiting on Author" and "Ready for Committer").

Peter Geoghegan

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