On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:31 PM, Sawada Masahiko <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 3:40 AM, David Steele <da...@pgmasters.net> wrote:
>> On 4/4/15 9:21 AM, Sawada Masahiko wrote:
>>> I added documentation changes to patch is attached.
>>> Also I tried to use memory context for allocation of guc_file_variable
>>> in TopMemoryContext,
>>> but it was failed access after received SIGHUP.
>> Below is my review of the v5 patch:
> Thank you for your review comment!
> The latest patch is attached.
>> diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml
>> + <sect1 id="view-pg-file-settings">
>> +  <title><structname>pg_file_settings</structname></title>
>> +
>> +  <indexterm zone="view-pg-file-settings">
>> +   <primary>pg_file_settings</primary>
>> +  </indexterm>
>> +
>> +  <para>
>> +   The view <structname>pg_file_settings</structname> provides confirm
>> parameters via SQL,
>> +   which is written in configuration file. This view can be update by
>> reloading configration file.
>> +  </para>
>> Perhaps something like:
>>   <para>
>>    The view <structname>pg_file_settings</structname> provides access to
>> run-time parameters
>>    that are defined in configuration files via SQL.  In contrast to
>>    <structname>pg_settings</structname> a row is provided for each
>> occurrence
>>    of the parameter in a configuration file.  This is helpful for
>> discovering why one value
>>    may have been used in preference to another when the parameters were
>> loaded.
>>   </para>
>> +  <table>
>> +   <title><structname>pg_file_settings</> Columns</title>
>> +
>> +  <tgroup cols="3">
>> +   <thead>
>> +    <row>
>> +     <entry>Name</entry>
>> +     <entry>Type</entry>
>> +     <entry>Description</entry>
>> +    </row>
>> +   </thead>
>> +   <tbody>
>> +    <row>
>> +     <entry><structfield>sourcefile</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry><structfield>text</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry>A path of configration file</entry>
>> From pg_settings:
>>       <entry>Configuration file the current value was set in (null for
>>       values set from sources other than configuration files, or when
>>       examined by a non-superuser);
>>       helpful when using <literal>include</> directives in configuration
>> files</entry>
>> +    </row>
>> +    <row>
>> +     <entry><structfield>sourceline</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry><structfield>integer</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry>The line number in configuration file</entry>
>> From pg_settings:
>>       <entry>Line number within the configuration file the current value was
>>       set at (null for values set from sources other than configuration
>> files,
>>       or when examined by a non-superuser)
>>       </entry>
>> +    </row>
>> +    <row>
>> +     <entry><structfield>name</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry><structfield>text</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry>Parameter name in configuration file</entry>
>> From pg_settings:
>>       <entry>Run-time configuration parameter name</entry>
>> +    </row>
>> +    <row>
>> +     <entry><structfield>setting</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry><structfield>text</structfield></entry>
>> +     <entry>Value of the parameter in configuration file</entry>
>> +    </row>
>> +   </tbody>
>> +  </tgroup>
>> + </table>
>> +
>> +</sect1>
> The documentation is updated based on your suggestion.
>> diff --git a/src/backend/utils/misc/guc-file.l
>> b/src/backend/utils/misc/guc-file.l
>> @@ -342,6 +345,42 @@ ProcessConfigFile(GucContext context)
>> +        guc_array = guc_file_variables;
>> +        for (item = head; item; item = item->next, guc_array++)
>> +        {
>> +            free(guc_array->name);
>> +            free(guc_array->value);
>> +            free(guc_array->filename);
>> There's an issue freeing these when calling pg_reload_conf():
> Fix.
>> postgres=# alter system set max_connections = 100;
>> postgres=# select * from pg_reload_conf();
>> LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
>>  pg_reload_conf
>> ----------------
>>  t
>> (1 row)
>> postgres=# postgres(25078,0x7fff747b2300) malloc: *** error for object
>> 0x424d380044: pointer being freed was not allocated
>> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
>> Of course a config reload can't change max_connections, but I wouldn't
>> expect it to crash, either.
>> +            guc_array->sourceline = -1;
>> I can't see the need for this since it is reassigned further down.
> Fix.
>> --
>> Up-thread David J had recommended an ordering column (or seqno) that
>> would provide the order in which the settings were loaded.  I think this
>> would give valuable information that can't be gleaned from the line
>> numbers alone.
>> Personally I think it would be fine to start from 1 and increment for
>> each setting found, rather than rank within a setting.  If the user
>> wants per setting ranking that's what SQL is for.  So the output would
>> look something like:
>>        sourcefile         | sourceline | seqno |      name       |  setting
>> --------------------------+------------+-------+-----------------+-----------
>>  /db/postgresql.conf      |         64 |     1 | max_connections | 100
>>  /db/postgresql.conf      |        116 |     2 | shared_buffers  | 128MB
>>  /db/postgresql.conf      |        446 |     3 | log_timezone    |
>> US/Eastern
>>  /db/postgresql.auto.conf |          3 |     4 | max_connections | 200
> Yep, I agree with you.
> Added seqno column into pg_file_settings view.

Attached patch is modified to apply to HEAD.
v7 patch is latest.


Sawada Masahiko

Attachment: 000_pg_file_settings_view_v7.patch
Description: Binary data

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