On 04/27/2015 10:35 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
On 4/25/15 4:50 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Well, we already support local variables of type RECORD in plpgsql, so
it's not immediately clear to me that function arguments would be much
worse.  There are a lot of deficiencies with the RECORD-local-variable
implementation: if you try to change the actual RECORD type from one call
to the next you'll probably have problems.  But it seems like we could
avoid that for function arguments by treating RECORD as a polymorphic
argument type, and thereby generating a separate set of plan trees for
each actual record type passed to the function within a given session.
So in principle it ought to work better than the local-variable case does

In short I suspect that Jim is right and this has more to do with a
shortage of round tuits than any fundamental problem.

I took a stab at plpgsql and it seems to work ok... but I'm not sure it's terribly valuable because you end up with an anonymous record instead of something that points back to what you handed it. The 'good' news is it doesn't seem to blow up on successive calls with different arguments...

Not sure about the SQL-function case. That might be even easier because
functions.c doesn't try to cache plans across queries; or maybe not.

This on the other hand was rather easy. It's not horribly useful due to built-in restrictions on dealing with record, but that's certainly not plsql's fault, and this satisfies my initial use case of

create function cn(record) returns bigint language sql as $$
SELECT count(*)
  FROM json_each_text( row_to_json($1) ) a
  WHERE value IS NULL $$;

Attached patches both pass make check. The plpgsql is WIP, but I think the SQL one is OK.

My point remains that we really need methods of a) getting the field names from generic records and b) using text values to access fields of generic records, both as lvalues and rvalues. Without those this feature will be of comparatively little value, IMNSHO. With them it will be much more useful and powerful.



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