On 04/30/2015 11:09 PM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
I've been unable to reproduce the unprincipled deadlock using the same
test case as before. However, the exclusion constraint code now
livelocks. Here is example output from a stress-testing session:


[Fri May  1 04:45:35 2015] normal exit at 1430455535 after 128000
items processed at count_upsert_exclusion.pl line 192.
trying 128 clients:
[Fri May  1 04:45:58 2015] NOTICE:  extension "btree_gist" already
exists, skipping
[Fri May  1 04:45:58 2015] init done at count_upsert_exclusion.pl line 106.

(I ssh into server, check progress). Then, due to some issue with the
scheduler or something, progress continues:

[Fri May  1 05:17:57 2015] sum is 462
[Fri May  1 05:17:57 2015] count is 8904
[Fri May  1 05:17:58 2015] normal exit at 1430457478 after 128000
items processed at count_upsert_exclusion.pl line 192.
trying 128 clients:

Hmm, so it was stuck for half an hour at that point? Why do you think it was a livelock?

This is the same server that I shared credentials with you for. Feel
free to ssh in and investigate it yourself.

I logged in, but the system seems very unresponsive in general. I just started "apt-get install gdb" on it, to investigate what the backends are stuck at. It's been running for about 30 minutes now, and I'm still waiting...

- Heikki

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