On 5 Dec 2002 at 14:17, Fernando Nasser wrote:

> Dan Langille wrote:> On 5 Dec 2002 at 11:47, Dan Langille wrote:
> > 
> > drop trigger "RI_ConstraintTrigger_4278488" on watch_list_staging;
> > 
> You should now go to the table this RI constraint was referring to and delete 
> the two triggers in there as well.  They will still be checking for deletions 
> and updates.  Look for something like
> RI_ConstraintTrigger_4278490
> RI_ConstraintTrigger_4278492
> and with the associated procedure RI_FKey_noaction_del and RI_FKey_noaction_upd

Oh thank you!  I didn't know about those.  FWIW, I've just documented 
this exercise at http://www.freebsddiary.org/postgresql-dropping-
constraints.php so corrections are most welcome.

> BTW, the rhdb-admin program can drop the constraints for you, even the unnamed 
> ones on backends 7.2 up.  You can download it from:
> http://sources.redhat.com/rhdb

Thanks.  I hope to check that out one day.

> Of course, now that you broke the set of triggers for this FK constraint you'll 
> still need to drop the other ones by hand.  But the tool at least will show you 
> the column and table involved so it will be easier to identify the two you have 
> to get rid of.

I did the identification by hand and fixed it up that way. Hopefully 
there's nothing else in there I've done wrong.

Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/

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