On 05/18/2015 08:36 AM, Jim Nasby wrote:
> On 5/17/15 10:58 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> The goal here was stated to preventing authentication misconfiguration
>> by shortsighted admins who have superuser access and the ability to
>> change pg_hba.conf.  This is tantamount to giving someone a gun and
>> bullets, but expecting duct tape across the cartridge slot to prevent
>> them from loading or using the gun.
> The idea is to prevent *accidental* misconfiguration, not to try and
> permanently lock them out. IE: make them think before allowing them to
> just do something silly. Disabling auth methods at compile time seems a
> very reasonable way to accomplish that.

It doesn't seem like it to me.  You're talking about a mechanism which
would either require people to compile their own PostgreSQL binaries, or
have an additional set of packages available.  That's a huge amount of
overhead for something which could be just as easily accomplished by
FIRED" in pg_hba.conf.

Or, heck, simply putting pg_hba.conf in Puppet/Chef/Ansible/Salt and
restricting permissions to the CMS repo.  Which is something most modern
shops *already do*.

There are *real* things we could do to improve the overall security of
auth methods.  Mandatory logging of pg_hba.conf changes, for example. Or
having a way to monitor which servers have which auth methods for which
networks available in some scalable way (i.e. without reading
pg_hba.conf).  Those would also take a lot of work and thought lest they
expose additional attack surfaces.

One thing computer security history has demonstrated again and again is
that ad-hoc attempts to duct-tape over real security issues are
counter-productive, since they interfere with real work and the steps
people take to get around them create bigger security holes than the
original problem.  Let's please not do that in Postgres.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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