Le 29 mai 2015 8:01 AM, "Fabien COELHO" <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> a écrit :
>> FWIW, I don't mind which one we put in core and which one we put out of
>> core. But I like Joshua's idea of getting rid of contribs and pushing
>> out as any other extensions.
> Hmmm.
> I like the contrib directory as a living example of "how to do an
extension" directly available in the source tree. It also allows to test
in-tree that the extension mechanism works. So I think it should be kept at
least with a minimum set of dummy examples for this purpose, even if all
current extensions are moved out.


> Also, removing a feature is a regression, and someone is always bound to
complain... What is the real benefit? ISTM that it is a solution that fixes
no important problem. Reaching a consensus about what to move here or there
will consume valuable time that could be spent on more important tasks...
Is it worth it?

It would be less confusing for users. Contrib modules seem to be first
class extensions, leaving doubt on other extensions. But the fact they
aren't in core make them not fully trusted by some users. Trying to explain
all that in a training is a PITA. It would be much less confusing if they
were either in core or in their own repository.

> Also moving things into postgresql main sources makes pg heavier for all
and benefits only to some, so I think that some careful filtering must be
done bevore moving large contribs there. I guess this is part of the


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