On 06/04/2015 10:34 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

For what it's worth, I also don't particularly support renaming
contrib.  I don't really see that it buys us enough to justify the
hassle it will cause.  One thing that may be worth doing yet is
separating the code that is just intended as a POC (like worker_spi,
auth_delay and test_decoding) from the stuff that you are really
intended to run in production (like tcn and hstore).  But that
distinction is fuzzier than you might think, because while auth_delay
was intended as a POC, I've subsequently heard rumors of it being used
in production with satisfactory results.  It's very easy to get the
idea that you know "what PostgreSQL users use" but usually that tends
to mean "what I use" and the community is broad enough that those
things are Not The Same.

The biggest problem is that packagers tend just to bundle contrib together in one lump. If we could divide it into two, something like "standard modules" and "misc", with the former being included with the server package, I think that would be an advance, although packagers might reasonably want to treat pgcrypto as a special case.

I'm also not in favor of booting packages wholesale out of core, for all the good reasons you and others have advanced.



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