I wrote:
> So what this seems to mean is that for SEMI/ANTI join cases, we have to
> postpone all of the inner scan cost determination to final_cost_nestloop,
> so that we can do this differently depending on whether
> has_indexed_join_quals() is true.  That's a little bit annoying because it
> will mean we take the shortcut exit less often; but since SEMI/ANTI joins
> aren't that common, it's probably not going to be a big planning time hit.

Attached is a draft patch for that.  It fixes the problem for me:

 Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=0.99..9.09 rows=1 width=74) (actual 
time=0.591..1.554 rows=2 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using term_facttablename_columnname_idx on term t  
(cost=0.55..8.57 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.022..0.025 rows=2 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (((facttablename)::text = 'facttable_stat_fta4'::text) AND 
((columnname)::text = 'berechnungsart'::text))
   ->  Index Only Scan using facttable_stat_fta4_berechnungsart_idx on 
facttable_stat_fta4 f  (cost=0.43..143244.98 rows=5015134 width=2) (actual 
time=0.759..0.759 rows=1 loops=2)
         Index Cond: (berechnungsart = (t.term)::text)
         Heap Fetches: 0
 Planning time: 0.545 ms
 Execution time: 1.615 ms

> Not sure yet about your other point about the indexscan getting rejected
> too soon.  That doesn't seem to be happening for me, at least not in HEAD.

I do see something of the sort if I turn off enable_indexonlyscan.
Not sure about a good fix for that aspect.  It may not be terribly
critical, since AFAICS index-only scans generally ought to apply
in these cases.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c b/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
index ac865be..0d302f6 100644
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
*************** cost_group(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root
*** 1767,1773 ****
   * estimate and getting a tight lower bound.  We choose to not examine the
   * join quals here, since that's by far the most expensive part of the
   * calculations.  The end result is that CPU-cost considerations must be
!  * left for the second phase.
   * 'workspace' is to be filled with startup_cost, total_cost, and perhaps
   *		other data to be used by final_cost_nestloop
--- 1767,1774 ----
   * estimate and getting a tight lower bound.  We choose to not examine the
   * join quals here, since that's by far the most expensive part of the
   * calculations.  The end result is that CPU-cost considerations must be
!  * left for the second phase; and for SEMI/ANTI joins, we must also postpone
!  * incorporation of the inner path's run cost.
   * 'workspace' is to be filled with startup_cost, total_cost, and perhaps
   *		other data to be used by final_cost_nestloop
*************** initial_cost_nestloop(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 1815,1858 ****
  	if (jointype == JOIN_SEMI || jointype == JOIN_ANTI)
- 		double		outer_matched_rows;
- 		Selectivity inner_scan_frac;
  		 * SEMI or ANTI join: executor will stop after first match.
! 		 * For an outer-rel row that has at least one match, we can expect the
! 		 * inner scan to stop after a fraction 1/(match_count+1) of the inner
! 		 * rows, if the matches are evenly distributed.  Since they probably
! 		 * aren't quite evenly distributed, we apply a fuzz factor of 2.0 to
! 		 * that fraction.  (If we used a larger fuzz factor, we'd have to
! 		 * clamp inner_scan_frac to at most 1.0; but since match_count is at
! 		 * least 1, no such clamp is needed now.)
! 		 *
! 		 * A complicating factor is that rescans may be cheaper than first
! 		 * scans.  If we never scan all the way to the end of the inner rel,
! 		 * it might be (depending on the plan type) that we'd never pay the
! 		 * whole inner first-scan run cost.  However it is difficult to
! 		 * estimate whether that will happen, so be conservative and always
! 		 * charge the whole first-scan cost once.
! 		 */
! 		run_cost += inner_run_cost;
! 		outer_matched_rows = rint(outer_path_rows * semifactors->outer_match_frac);
! 		inner_scan_frac = 2.0 / (semifactors->match_count + 1.0);
! 		/* Add inner run cost for additional outer tuples having matches */
! 		if (outer_matched_rows > 1)
! 			run_cost += (outer_matched_rows - 1) * inner_rescan_run_cost * inner_scan_frac;
! 		/*
! 		 * The cost of processing unmatched rows varies depending on the
! 		 * details of the joinclauses, so we leave that part for later.
  		/* Save private data for final_cost_nestloop */
! 		workspace->outer_matched_rows = outer_matched_rows;
! 		workspace->inner_scan_frac = inner_scan_frac;
--- 1816,1831 ----
  	if (jointype == JOIN_SEMI || jointype == JOIN_ANTI)
  		 * SEMI or ANTI join: executor will stop after first match.
! 		 * Getting decent estimates requires inspection of the join quals,
! 		 * which we choose to postpone to final_cost_nestloop.
  		/* Save private data for final_cost_nestloop */
! 		workspace->inner_run_cost = inner_run_cost;
! 		workspace->inner_rescan_run_cost = inner_rescan_run_cost;
*************** initial_cost_nestloop(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 1869,1875 ****
  	workspace->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
  	/* Save private data for final_cost_nestloop */
  	workspace->run_cost = run_cost;
- 	workspace->inner_rescan_run_cost = inner_rescan_run_cost;
--- 1842,1847 ----
*************** final_cost_nestloop(PlannerInfo *root, N
*** 1893,1899 ****
  	double		inner_path_rows = inner_path->rows;
  	Cost		startup_cost = workspace->startup_cost;
  	Cost		run_cost = workspace->run_cost;
- 	Cost		inner_rescan_run_cost = workspace->inner_rescan_run_cost;
  	Cost		cpu_per_tuple;
  	QualCost	restrict_qual_cost;
  	double		ntuples;
--- 1865,1870 ----
*************** final_cost_nestloop(PlannerInfo *root, N
*** 1912,1953 ****
  	if (!enable_nestloop)
  		startup_cost += disable_cost;
! 	/* cost of source data */
  	if (path->jointype == JOIN_SEMI || path->jointype == JOIN_ANTI)
- 		double		outer_matched_rows = workspace->outer_matched_rows;
- 		Selectivity inner_scan_frac = workspace->inner_scan_frac;
  		 * SEMI or ANTI join: executor will stop after first match.
! 		/* Compute number of tuples processed (not number emitted!) */
  		ntuples = outer_matched_rows * inner_path_rows * inner_scan_frac;
! 		 * For unmatched outer-rel rows, there are two cases.  If the inner
! 		 * path is an indexscan using all the joinquals as indexquals, then an
! 		 * unmatched row results in an indexscan returning no rows, which is
! 		 * probably quite cheap.  We estimate this case as the same cost to
! 		 * return the first tuple of a nonempty scan.  Otherwise, the executor
! 		 * will have to scan the whole inner rel; not so cheap.
  		if (has_indexed_join_quals(path))
  			run_cost += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
  				inner_rescan_run_cost / inner_path_rows;
! 			 * We won't be evaluating any quals at all for these rows, so
  			 * don't add them to ntuples.
  			run_cost += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
  			ntuples += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
--- 1883,1983 ----
  	if (!enable_nestloop)
  		startup_cost += disable_cost;
! 	/* cost of inner-relation source data (we already dealt with outer rel) */
  	if (path->jointype == JOIN_SEMI || path->jointype == JOIN_ANTI)
  		 * SEMI or ANTI join: executor will stop after first match.
+ 		Cost		inner_run_cost = workspace->inner_run_cost;
+ 		Cost		inner_rescan_run_cost = workspace->inner_rescan_run_cost;
+ 		double		outer_matched_rows;
+ 		Selectivity inner_scan_frac;
! 		/*
! 		 * For an outer-rel row that has at least one match, we can expect the
! 		 * inner scan to stop after a fraction 1/(match_count+1) of the inner
! 		 * rows, if the matches are evenly distributed.  Since they probably
! 		 * aren't quite evenly distributed, we apply a fuzz factor of 2.0 to
! 		 * that fraction.  (If we used a larger fuzz factor, we'd have to
! 		 * clamp inner_scan_frac to at most 1.0; but since match_count is at
! 		 * least 1, no such clamp is needed now.)
! 		 */
! 		outer_matched_rows = rint(outer_path_rows * semifactors->outer_match_frac);
! 		inner_scan_frac = 2.0 / (semifactors->match_count + 1.0);
! 		/*
! 		 * Compute number of tuples processed (not number emitted!).  First,
! 		 * account for successfully-matched outer rows.
! 		 */
  		ntuples = outer_matched_rows * inner_path_rows * inner_scan_frac;
! 		 * Now we need to estimate the actual costs of scanning the inner
! 		 * relation, which may be quite a bit less than N times inner_run_cost
! 		 * due to early scan stops.  We consider two cases.  If the inner path
! 		 * is an indexscan using all the joinquals as indexquals, then an
! 		 * unmatched outer row results in an indexscan returning no rows,
! 		 * which is probably quite cheap.  Otherwise, the executor will have
! 		 * to scan the whole inner rel for an unmatched row; not so cheap.
  		if (has_indexed_join_quals(path))
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Successfully-matched outer rows will only require scanning
+ 			 * inner_scan_frac of the inner relation.  In this case, we don't
+ 			 * need to charge the full inner_run_cost even when that's more
+ 			 * than inner_rescan_run_cost, because we can assume that none of
+ 			 * the inner scans ever scan the whole inner relation.  So it's
+ 			 * okay to assume that all the inner scan executions can be
+ 			 * fractions of the full cost, even if materialization is reducing
+ 			 * the rescan cost.  At this writing, it's impossible to get here
+ 			 * for a materialized inner scan, so inner_run_cost and
+ 			 * inner_rescan_run_cost will be the same anyway; but just in
+ 			 * case, use inner_run_cost for the first matched tuple and
+ 			 * inner_rescan_run_cost for additional ones.
+ 			 */
+ 			run_cost += inner_run_cost * inner_scan_frac;
+ 			if (outer_matched_rows > 1)
+ 				run_cost += (outer_matched_rows - 1) * inner_rescan_run_cost * inner_scan_frac;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Add the cost of inner-scan executions for unmatched outer rows.
+ 			 * We estimate this as the same cost as returning the first tuple
+ 			 * of a nonempty scan.  We consider that these are all rescans,
+ 			 * since we used inner_run_cost once already.
+ 			 */
  			run_cost += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
  				inner_rescan_run_cost / inner_path_rows;
! 			 * We won't be evaluating any quals at all for unmatched rows, so
  			 * don't add them to ntuples.
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Here, a complicating factor is that rescans may be cheaper than
+ 			 * first scans.  If we never scan all the way to the end of the
+ 			 * inner rel, it might be (depending on the plan type) that we'd
+ 			 * never pay the whole inner first-scan run cost.  However it is
+ 			 * difficult to estimate whether that will happen (and it could
+ 			 * not happen if there are any unmatched outer rows!), so be
+ 			 * conservative and always charge the whole first-scan cost once.
+ 			 */
+ 			run_cost += inner_run_cost;
+ 			/* Add inner run cost for additional outer tuples having matches */
+ 			if (outer_matched_rows > 1)
+ 				run_cost += (outer_matched_rows - 1) * inner_rescan_run_cost * inner_scan_frac;
+ 			/* Add inner run cost for unmatched outer tuples */
  			run_cost += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
+ 			/* And count the unmatched join tuples as being processed */
  			ntuples += (outer_path_rows - outer_matched_rows) *
diff --git a/src/include/nodes/relation.h b/src/include/nodes/relation.h
index 279051e..706b6d1 100644
*** a/src/include/nodes/relation.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/relation.h
*************** typedef struct JoinCostWorkspace
*** 1719,1730 ****
  	Cost		run_cost;		/* non-startup cost components */
  	/* private for cost_nestloop code */
  	Cost		inner_rescan_run_cost;
- 	double		outer_matched_rows;
- 	Selectivity inner_scan_frac;
  	/* private for cost_mergejoin code */
- 	Cost		inner_run_cost;
  	double		outer_rows;
  	double		inner_rows;
  	double		outer_skip_rows;
--- 1719,1728 ----
  	Cost		run_cost;		/* non-startup cost components */
  	/* private for cost_nestloop code */
+ 	Cost		inner_run_cost; /* also used by cost_mergejoin code */
  	Cost		inner_rescan_run_cost;
  	/* private for cost_mergejoin code */
  	double		outer_rows;
  	double		inner_rows;
  	double		outer_skip_rows;
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