On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
>> That brings it back to the enforcing - would we want to enforce both those?
> May as well.  AuthorDate is the main source of trouble.  You would need to go
> out of your way (e.g. git filter-branch) to push an old CommitDate, but let's
> check it just the same.

Actually, you just need the system clock to be off.  I've noticed, for
example, that when my VMware VMs go to sleep (because I close my
laptop lid) their clocks don't run, so I have to remember to ntpdate
afterwards if I want correct time.  I don't happen to use those for
committing to PostgreSQL, but somebody else might have a similar setup
that they do use for that purpose.

So +1 for sanity-checking the commit date, and +1 as well as Alvaro's
proposal for checking for both past and future times.  I think we
should tolerate a bit more in terms of past timestamps than future
timestamps.  It's quite reasonable for someone to commit locally and
then run make check-world or so before pushing; let's not make that
unnecessarily annoying.  But future timestamps should really only ever
happen because of clock slew, and I don't think we need to tolerate
very much of that.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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