On 08/14/2015 09:27 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 08/14/2015 03:32 AM, Noah Misch wrote:
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:17:40AM -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
here's what I propose.
This changes more than the tapcheck name and the suites it could run. Would you write up the changes you chose to include? That will help guide review.

I don't think it changes anything other than what was discussed. The code is rearranged a little, and an incorrect piece of code setting $ENV{PERL5LIB} is fixed (in the case where it was previously empty it would have added a spurious ";" and possibly caused a warning as well). Instead of looking everywhere in the tree for /t directories, the new bincheck function only looks for them in src/bin. And the tests would die on the first failure, as we would also expect the checks run under "make" to do.

The effect is to remove the target "tapcheck" for which there is no "make" equivalent, and replace it with the target "bincheck", which is the equivalent of "make -C src/bin installcheck", which happens to be what the buildfarm runs.

I've just noticed a small error in the patch. Revised version attached.



diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/vcregress.pl b/src/tools/msvc/vcregress.pl
index d3d736b..e4fa888 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/vcregress.pl
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/vcregress.pl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if (-e "src/tools/msvc/buildenv.pl")
 my $what = shift || "";
 if ($what =~
 	$what = uc $what;
@@ -61,7 +61,14 @@ unless ($schedule)
 	$schedule = "parallel" if ($what eq 'CHECK' || $what =~ /PARALLEL/);
-$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/tools/msvc;$ENV{PERL5LIB}";
+if ($ENV{PERL5LIB})
+	$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/tools/msvc;$ENV{PERL5LIB}";
+	$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/tools/msvc";
 my $maxconn = "";
 $maxconn = "--max_connections=$ENV{MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ my %command = (
 	CONTRIBCHECK   => \&contribcheck,
 	MODULESCHECK   => \&modulescheck,
 	ISOLATIONCHECK => \&isolationcheck,
-	TAPCHECK       => \&tapcheck,
+	BINCHECK       => \&bincheck,
 	UPGRADECHECK   => \&upgradecheck,);
 my $proc = $command{$what};
@@ -168,44 +175,46 @@ sub isolationcheck
 	exit $status if $status;
-sub tapcheck
+sub tap_check
-	InstallTemp();
+	die "Tap tests not enabled in configuration"
+	  unless $config->{tap_tests};
+	my $dir = shift;
+	chdir $dir;
 	my @args = ( "prove", "--verbose", "t/*.pl");
-	my $mstat = 0;
+	# Reset those values, they may have been changed by another test.
+	# XXX is this true?
+	local %ENV = %ENV;
 	$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/test/perl;$ENV{PERL5LIB}";
 	$ENV{PG_REGRESS} = "$topdir/$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress";
+	$ENV{TESTDIR} = "$dir";
+	system(@args);
+	my $status = $? >> 8;
+	return $status;
+sub bincheck
+	InstallTemp();
+	my $mstat = 0;
 	# Find out all the existing TAP tests by looking for t/ directories
 	# in the tree.
-	my $tap_dirs = [];
-	my @top_dir = ($topdir);
-	File::Find::find(
-		{   wanted => sub {
-				/^t\z/s
-				  && push(@$tap_dirs, $File::Find::name);
-			  }
-		},
-		@top_dir);
+	my @bin_dirs = glob("$topdir/src/bin/*");
 	# Process each test
-	foreach my $test_path (@$tap_dirs)
+	foreach my $dir (@$bin_dirs)
-		# Like on Unix "make check-world", don't run the SSL test suite
-		# automatically.
-		next if ($test_path =~ /\/src\/test\/ssl\//);
-		my $dir = dirname($test_path);
-		chdir $dir;
-		# Reset those values, they may have been changed by another test.
-		$ENV{TESTDIR} = "$dir";
-		system(@args);
-		my $status = $? >> 8;
-		$mstat ||= $status;
+		next unless -d "$dir/t";
+		my $status = tap_check($dir);
+		exit $status if $status;
-	exit $mstat if $mstat;
 sub plcheck
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