Am 07.09.2015 um 16:40 schrieb Tom Lane:
Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
On 09/07/2015 09:28 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
This seems pretty much the same as a junk attribute, if I understand you
correctly.  I suggest given a look at how those work.

Is that actually documented anywhere much?

I don't think there's much besides a code comment here and there.
Grepping for functions that touch the "resjunk" field of TargetListEntries
should give you the lay of the land.

                        regards, tom lane

I have marked them as resjunk already. The problem is that the subquery I build contains another subquery. As SQL it looks something like the following:

select *
        (select *, row_number() over () rn from r) r
left outer join
        (select *, ts p1 from r union all select *, te p1 from r) s
on p1 >= r.ts and p1 < r.te
order by rn, p1;

I set then the output columns of the outer select to resjunk for rn and p1, like this...

i = list_length(qry->targetList);
get_tle_by_resno(qry->targetList, i)->resjunk = true;
get_tle_by_resno(qry->targetList, --i)->resjunk = true;

However, I cannot do that inside, because I need them above... or do I miss something here?


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