"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Please understand something here ... a large portion of the banner ads are
> *not* paid ... they are recognition of the many mirror sites that are
> supporting the project by reducing the amount of bandwidth that is
> required on the central server ...

While the mirror sites deserve some recognition, I'm not convinced that
that should translate to banner ads on the main portal.

Could we set things up so that when you actually go to a mirror site,
you see some discreet notice about "this mirror sponsored by so-and-so"?

And I'm definitely not happy with reading

        Help Support This Site
        Post your Ad Here
        Pay Only for Visitors
        As Low As
        $0.10cdn per click-thru

on the main site.  That's several shades too mercenary for my taste.

                        regards, tom lane

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