> for one custom plans can be much better than the generic plan, independent of 
> cardinalities

So what? I do not suggest dropping custom plans entirely.
I perfectly understand there are cases when better replan every time.

> consider e.g a table with one somewhat common and otherwise just unique 
> values.

So what?
If I understand you properly, you mean: "if client sends unique binds
first 5-6 executions and bad non-unique afterwards, then cached plan
would be bad". Is that what you are saying?
I agree that is the corner-case for my suggestion.
Is is really happening often?

I state the following:
1) It is way easier to debug & analyze.
For instance: current documentation does *not* list a way to get a
*generic plan*.
Is that obvious that "you just need to EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE *6
times in a row*" just to get a generic plan?

2) It is likely to be more performant. We just need to explain users
that "if different plans required, just use different statements".
Isn't that obvious?
Frankly speaking, I do not like "plug&pray" kind of code that just
sends bind values and expects magically optimized plan for each bind

3) What about "client sends top most common value 5 times in a row"?
Why assume "it will stop doing that"?
I think the better assumption is "it will continue doing that".

At the end, if a client wants specific treatment of a query, then
he/she might be better using separate server-prepared statements (the
one for "unique values", and another one for "non-unique").


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