On Wednesday 22 January 2003 11:49, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 15:34, Curtis Faith wrote:
> > tom lane writes:
> > > You think we should drive away our existing unix developers
> > > in the mere hope of attracting windows developers?  Sorry, it
> > > isn't going to happen.
> >
> > Tom brings up a good point, that changes to support Windows should not
> > add to the tasks of those who are doing the bulk of the work on Unixen.
> >
> > I don't think, however, that this necessarily means that having Windows
> > developers use Cygwin is the right solution. We need to come up with a
> > way to support Windows Visual C++ projects without adding work to the
> > other developers.
> Does anyone know how MySQL and interbase/firebird do it ?

Xerces and Xalan from Apache both include VC6 projects. The projects are
kept in their own directory apart from source code. You might want to
download the Xerces and Xalan source and look at how they structured
their envrionment.

I *does* make it easier for Windows developers to work with VC6 projects.

Alan Gutierrez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://khtml-win32.sourceforge.net/ - KHTML on Windows

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