On 07/03/16 23:32, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On 03/07/2016 01:43 PM, Josh berkus wrote:


Once SQL Server is available on Linux, we're going to see more people
using it as an alternative to PostgreSQL.  Especially since they're
picking up a lot of our better features, like R support.

Yes but:

1. MSSQL is not going to magically run well on Linux. It was never designed to run on a *NIX platform and it long left the parts that would (Sybase) in the dust.

I'd be surprised if it would *not* run well on Linux. Linux is an easy platform to develop, it's fast and reliable and they have plenty of time (till release).

2. This is actually good for us. It validates our primary deployment platform. Why run a closed source MSSQL when you can get Open Source PostgreSQL on the same platform major platform?

SQL Server seems to have some nice features that PostgreSQL don't have. Encryption support and Hekaton (columnar-store "shared buffers") come to my mind. It's definitely not a toy database, even less on Linux.

3. Competition is good when we have it, our community steps up.

    Absolutely, competition is very welcome!


Álvaro Hernández Tortosa


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