I attached the patch, which fixes the pg_trgm documentation.

On 19.03.2016 01:18, Artur Zakirov wrote:

2016-03-18 23:46 GMT+03:00 Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com

    <% and <<-> are not documented at all.  Is that a deliberate choice?
    Since they were added as convenience functions for the user, I think
    they really need to be in the user documentation.

I can send a patch a little bit later. I documented  %>
and <->> because examples of other operators have the following order:

SELECT t, t <-> 'word' AS dist
   FROM test_trgm
   ORDER BY dist LIMIT 10;


SELECT * FROM test_trgm WHERE t LIKE '%foo%bar';

I did not include <% and <<-> because I did not know how to document
commutators. But I can fix it.

And honestly the following order:

SELECT 'word' <% t FROM test_trgm;

is more convenient to me too.

Do you know how do not break the line in the operators table in the
first column? Now I see:

Operator| Returns
text %       |    boolean
text  |

But the following is better:

Operator| Returns
text % text |    boolean

    Also, the documentation should probably include <% and <<-> as the
    "parent" operators and use them in the examples, and only mention %>
    and <->> in passing, as the commutators.  That is because <% and <<->
    take their arguments in the same order as word_similarity does.  It
    would be less confusing if the documentation and the examples didn't
    need to keep changing the argument orders.



Artur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

Artur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company
*** a/doc/src/sgml/pgtrgm.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/pgtrgm.sgml
*** 153,167 ****
!        <entry><type>text</> <literal>%&gt;</literal> <type>text</></entry>
!        <entry><type>boolean</type></entry>
!        <entry>
!         Returns <literal>true</> if its first argument has the similar word in
!         the second argument and they have a similarity that is greater than the
!         current word similarity threshold set by
!         <varname>pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold</> parameter.
!        </entry>
!       </row>
        <entry><type>text</> <literal>&lt;-&gt;</literal> <type>text</></entry>
--- 153,174 ----
!       <entry><type>text</> <literal>&lt;%</literal> <type>text</></entry>
!       <entry><type>boolean</type></entry>
!       <entry>
!        Returns <literal>true</> if its first argument has the similar word in
!        the second argument and they have a similarity that is greater than the
!        current word similarity threshold set by
!        <varname>pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold</> parameter.
!       </entry>
!      </row>
!      <row>
!       <entry><type>text</> <literal>%&gt;</literal> <type>text</></entry>
!       <entry><type>boolean</type></entry>
!       <entry>
!        Commutator of the <literal>&lt;%</> operator.
!       </entry>
!      </row>
        <entry><type>text</> <literal>&lt;-&gt;</literal> <type>text</></entry>
*** 171,184 ****
!        <entry>
!         <type>text</> <literal>&lt;-&gt;&gt;</literal> <type>text</>
!        </entry>
!        <entry><type>real</type></entry>
!        <entry>
!         Returns the <quote>distance</> between the arguments, that is
!         one minus the <function>word_similarity()</> value.
!        </entry>
--- 178,200 ----
!       <entry>
!        <type>text</> <literal>&lt;&lt;-&gt;</literal> <type>text</>
!       </entry>
!       <entry><type>real</type></entry>
!       <entry>
!        Returns the <quote>distance</> between the arguments, that is
!        one minus the <function>word_similarity()</> value.
!       </entry>
!      </row>
!      <row>
!       <entry>
!        <type>text</> <literal>&lt;-&gt;&gt;</literal> <type>text</>
!       </entry>
!       <entry><type>real</type></entry>
!       <entry>
!        Commutator of the <literal>&lt;&lt;-&gt;</> operator.
!       </entry>
*** 215,221 ****
         Sets the current word similarity threshold that is used by
!        the <literal>%&gt;</> operator.  The threshold must be between
         0 and 1 (default is 0.6).
--- 231,237 ----
         Sets the current word similarity threshold that is used by
!        the <literal>&lt;%</> operator.  The threshold must be between
         0 and 1 (default is 0.6).
*** 283,289 **** SELECT t, t &lt;-&gt; '<replaceable>word</>' AS dist
  SELECT t, word_similarity('<replaceable>word</>', t) AS sml
    FROM test_trgm
!   WHERE t %&gt; '<replaceable>word</>'
    ORDER BY sml DESC, t;
     This will return all values in the text column that have a word
--- 299,305 ----
  SELECT t, word_similarity('<replaceable>word</>', t) AS sml
    FROM test_trgm
!   WHERE '<replaceable>word</>' &lt;% t
    ORDER BY sml DESC, t;
     This will return all values in the text column that have a word
*** 295,301 **** SELECT t, word_similarity('<replaceable>word</>', t) AS sml
     A variant of the above query is
! SELECT t, t &lt;-&gt;&gt; '<replaceable>word</>' AS dist
    FROM test_trgm
    ORDER BY dist LIMIT 10;
--- 311,317 ----
     A variant of the above query is
! SELECT t, '<replaceable>word</>' &lt;&lt;-&gt; t AS dist
    FROM test_trgm
    ORDER BY dist LIMIT 10;
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