On May 12, 2016, at 11:19 AM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello <fabriziome...@gmail.com> 

> Yeah.. it's ugly but you can do something like that:

I could, but I won’t, since this is pgTAP and users of the library might have 
defined their own json operators. 

Andrew Dunstan has done the yeoman’s work of creating such operators, BTW:


Some might argue that it ought to compare JSON objects, effectively be the 
equivalent of ::jsonb = ::jsonb, rather than ::text = ::text. But as Andrew 
points out to me offlist, “if that's what they want why aren't they using jsonb 
in the first place?”

So I think that, up to the introduction of JSONB, it was important not to side 
one way or the other and put a JSON = operator in core. But now what we have 
JSONB, perhaps it makes sense to finally take sides and intoduce JSON = that 
does plain text comparison. Thoughts?



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