On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com> wrote:

> This makes sense, of course, and I could fix it by comparing text values
> instead of json values when the values are JSON. But of course the lack of
> a = operator is not limited to JSON. So I’m wondering if there’s an
> interface at the SQL level to tell me whether a type has an = operator?
> That way I could always use text values in those situations.

Brute force: you'd have to query pg_amop and note the absence of a row with
a btree (maybe hash too...) family strategy 3 (1 for hash)
[equality] where the left and right types are the same and match the type
in question.

There is likely more to it - though absence is pretty much a given I'd be
concerned about false negatives due to ignoring other factors like

In theory you should be able to trade off convenience for correctness by


But I've never tried it and it assumes that = is the equality operator and
that its presence is sufficient.  I'm also guessing on the text type name


This option is a young one from what I remember.

David J.

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