On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 05:06:00PM -0400, David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 4:34 PM, David Fetter <da...@fetter.org> wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > While querying some JSONB blobs at work in preparation for a massive
> > rework of the data infrastructure, I ran into things that really
> > puzzled me, to wit:
> >
> > SELECT * FROM unnest('["a","b","c"]'::jsonb);
> > ERROR:  function unnest(jsonb) does not exist
> >
> > SELECT * FROM jsonb_array_elements('["a","b","c"]'::jsonb);
> >  value
> > ───────
> >  "a"
> >  "b"
> >  "c"
> > (3 rows)
> ​I'd be inclined to -1 such a proposal.  TIMTOWTDI is not a principle that
> we endeavor to emulate.

You cut out the part where I introduced the part that's not
equivalent, so "there is more than one way to do it" isn't on point
here.  More on that specific issue below.

UNNEST, and ROWS FROM have more capabilities including WITH ORDINALITY
than the json_array_elements-like functions do.  Is it really more
efficient to build and maintain those capabilities separately in the
JSON[B] set-returning functions, or to force our end users to use
atrocious hacks like putting
generate_series(1,jsonb_array_length(foo)) in the target list than
just to make UNNEST and ROWS FROM do the right thing?

> Having an overloaded form: <unnest(jsonb) : setof jsonb> is unappealing.

On what grounds?

> While likely not that common the introduction of an ambiguity makes
> raises the bar considerably.

What ambiguity?

    SELECT jsonb_array_elements('{"a":2,"b":1}'::jsonb);
    ERROR:  cannot extract elements from an object

The json_array_elements family manages to do the right thing.  Why
would it be harder to make sure UNNEST and ROWS FROM() do so?

> That said we do seem to be lacking any easy way to take a json array and
> attempt to convert it directly into a PostgreSQL array.  Just a conversion
> is not always going to succeed though the capability seems worthwhile if as
> yet unasked for.  The each->convert->array_agg pattern works but is likely
> inefficient for homogeneous json array cases.

To your earlier point about "there is more than one way to do it," we
have made no attempt to make some sort of language composed of
orthonormal vectors, and the SQL standard actually requires that we
not do so.  For a trivial example, there's


which are equivalent and both spelled out in the standard.

David Fetter <da...@fetter.org> http://fetter.org/
Phone: +1 415 235 3778  AIM: dfetter666  Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter      XMPP: david.fet...@gmail.com

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