Shay>To be honest, the mere idea of having an SQL parser inside my driver
makes me shiver.

Same for me.
However I cannot wait for PostgreSQL 18 that does not need client-side

Shay>We did, you just dismissed or ignored them

Please prove me wrong, but I did provide a justified answer to both
with "Why the connection is reset")
and Robert's examples:

Shay>There's nothing your driver is doing that the application developer
can't do themselves -
Shay>so your driver isn't faster than other drivers. It's faster only when
used by lazy programmers.

I'm afraid you do not get the point.
ORMs like Hibernate, EclipseLink, etc send regular "insert ... values" via
batch API.
For the developer the only way to make use of "multivalues" is to implement
either "ORM fix" or "the driver fix" or "postgresql fix".

So the feature has very little to do with laziness of the programmers.
Application developer just does not have full control of each SQL when
working though ORM.
Do you suggest "stop using ORMs"? Do you suggest fixing all the ORMs so it
uses optimal for each DB insert statement?
Do you suggest fixing postgresql?

Once again "multivalues rewrite at pgjdbc level" enables the feature
transparently for all the users. If PostgreSQL 10/11 would improve
bind/exec performance, we could even drop that rewrite at pgjdbc level and
revert to the regular flow. That would again be transparent to the

Shay>are you sure there aren't "hidden" costs on the PostgreSQL side for
generating so many implicit savepoints?

Technically speaking I use the same savepoint name through bind/exec

Shay>What you're doing is optimizing developer code, with the assumption
that developers can't be trusted to code efficiently - they're going to
write bad SQL and forget to prepare their statements

Please, be careful. "you are completely wrong here" he-he. Well, you list
the wrong assumption. Why do you think my main assumption is "developers
can't be trusted"?

The proper assumption is: I follow Java database API specification, and I
optimize pgjdbc for the common use case (e.g. ORM or ORM-like).

For instance, if Java application wants to use bind values (e.g. to prevent
security issues), then the only way is to go through

Here's the documentation:

Here's a quote:
Javadoc> *Note:* This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL
statements that benefit from precompilation. If the driver supports
precompilation, the methodprepareStatement will send the statement to the
database for precompilation. Some drivers may not support precompilation.
In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the
PreparedStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users;
however, it does affect which methods throw certainSQLException objects.

The most important part is "if the driver supports precompilation..."
There's no API to enable/disable precompilation at all.
So, when using Java, there is no such thing as

It is expected, that "driver" would "optimize" the handling somehow in the
best possible way.

It is Java API specification that enables me (as a driver developer) to be
flexible, and leverage database features so end user gets best experience.



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