Tatsuo>Interesting. What would happen if a user changes some of GUC
parameters? Subsequent session accidentally inherits the changed GUC

Yes, that is what happens.
The idea is not to mess with gucs.

Tatsuo>There's nothing wrong with DICARD ALL
Tatsuo>"DISCARD ALL" is perfect for this goal.

It looks like you mean: "let's reset the connection state just in case".
I see where it might help: e.g. when providing database access to random
people who might screw a connection in every possible way.

Just in case: do you think one should reset CPU caches, OS filesystem
caches, DNS caches, bounce the application, and bounce the OS in addition
to "discard all"?
Why reset only "connection properties" when we can reset everything to its
pristine state?

Just in case: PostgreSQL does not execute "discard all" on its own.
If you mean "pgpool is exactly like reconnect to postgresql but faster
since connection is already established", then OK, that might work in some
cases (e.g. when response times/throughput are not important), however why
forcing "you must always start from scratch" execution model?

Developers are not that dumb, and they can understand that "changing gucs
at random is bad".

When a connection pool is dedicated to a particular application (or a set
of applications), then it makes sense to reuse statement cache for
performance reasons.
Of course, it requires some discipline like "don't mess with gucs", however
that is acceptable and it is easily understandable by developers.

My application cannot afford re-parsing hot SQL statements as hurts
performance. It is very visible in the end-to-end performance tests, so
"discard all" is not used, and developers know not to mess with gucs.


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