Welp, I was in head over heels, sorry for my messy email...

*2. No more "dot_pgpass_used" - we fill the conn->pgpassfile field with any options that have been provided (connection parameter, environment variable, "default" ~/.pgpass) and in case there has been an error with the authentification, we only use conn->pgpassfile in the error message.

Fabien Coelho wrote:
I agree that it is currently unconvincing. I'm unclear about the correct level of messages that should be displayed for a library. I think that it should be pretty silent by default if all is well but that some environment variable should be able to put a more verbose level...
fe_connect.c in general seems very talkative about it's errors - even if it's only about files not beeing found, so I'll include an error message for that case next time.


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