Robert Haas wrote:
> Implement table partitioning.

I thought it was odd to use rd_rel->reloftype as a boolean in
ATExecAttachPartition, but apparently we do it elsewhere too, so let's
leave that complaint for another day.

What I also found off in the same function is that we use
SearchSysCacheCopyAttName() on each attribute and then don't free the
result, and don't ever use the returned tuple either.  A simple fix, I
thought, just remove the "Copy" and add a ReleaseSysCache().  But then I
noticed this whole thing is rather strange -- why not pass a boolean
flag down to CreateInheritance() and from there to
MergeAttributesIntoExisting() to implement the check?  That seems less

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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