On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 1:54 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I reread ideas described on page https://github.com/trustly/plpgsql2
> Some points are well and can be benefit for PlpgSQL.
> First I describe my initial position. I am strongly against introduction
> "new" language - plpgsql2 or new plpgsql, or any else. The trust of
> developers to us is important and introduction of any not compatible or
> different feature has to have really big reason. PostgreSQL is conservative
> environment, and PLpgSQL should not be a exception. More - I have not any
> information from my customers, colleagues about missing features in this
> language.  If there is some gaps, then it is in outer environment - IDE,
> deployment, testing,

Breaking language compatibility is a really big deal.  There has to be
a lot of benefits to the effort and you have to make translation from
plpgsql1 to plpgsql2 really simple.  You have made some good points on
the rationale but not nearly enough to justify implementation fork. So
basically I agree.  Having said that, If you don't mind I'd like to
run with the topic (which I'm loosely interpreting as, "Things I'd
like to do in SQL/PLPGSQL and can't").

#1 problem with plpgsql in my point of view is that the language and
grammar are not supersets of sql.  A lot of PLPGSQL keywords (EXECUTE,
BEGIN, INTO, END) have incompatible meanings with our SQL
implementation.  IMNSHO, SQL ought to give the same behavior inside or
outside of plpgsql.  It doesn't, and this is one of the reasons why
plpgsql may not be a good candidate for stored procedure

#2 problem with plpgsql is after function entry it's too late to do
things like set transaction isolation level and change certain kinds
of variables (like statement_timeout).  This is very obnoxious, I
can't wrap the database in an API 100%; the application has to manage
things that really should be controlled in SQL.

#3 problem with plpgsql is complete lack of inlining.  inlining
function calls in postgres is a black art even for very trivial cases.
This makes it hard for us to write quick things and in the worst case
causes endless duplications of simple expressions.

In short I guess the issue is that we don't have stored procedures and
I don't see an easy path to getting there with the current language.
There are a lot of other little annoyances but most of them can be
solved without a compatibility break.

It would be pretty neat if postgres SQL implementation could directly
incorporate limited flow control and command execution.  For example,
  SET transaction_isolation = 'serializable';
  SELECT some_plpgsql_func_returning_bool();
CALL my_proc() UNTIL Done;

Key points here are:
*) my_proc is in native SQL (not plpgsql), and run outside of snapshot
*) CALL is invocation into stored procedure.  I extended it in similar
fashion as pl/sql CALL
but anything will do for syntaxs as long as you get arbitrary control
of procedure lifetime external to snapshot and transaction
*) simple addition of UNTIL gets us out of the debate for best 'stored
procedure language'.   Keeping things to pure SQL really simplifies
things since we already have statement parsing at tcop level.  We just
need some special handling for CALL.
*) In my usage of plpgsql maybe 80% of database cases are covered
purely in language but maybe 20% of cases need support from
application typically where threading and transaction management is
involved.  With the above it would be more like 95% would be covered
and if you extended CALL to something like:


..where "IN BACKGOUND" moved execution to a background worker one
could do just about everything in SQL in tasks that do nothing but
read and write to the database that today need significant support
from outside language (primarily bash for me).

With respect to stuff you mentioned, like smarter handling of INTO,
are you really sure you need to break compatibility for that?


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