2016-12-30 12:01 GMT+01:00 Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com>:

> 2016-12-30 10:29 GMT+01:00 Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com>:
>> On 30 December 2016 at 16:46, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Pavel's personal requirements include that it be well suited for
>> >> static analysis of plpgsql using his plpgsql_check tool. So he wants
>> >> persistent definitions.
>> >
>> >
>> > I've been in static analysis for the last 25 years, and the logic of
>> this
>> > statement fails me.
>> I have no opinion here, as I've not seen plpgsql_check nor do I
>> understand the issues Pavel perceives with having dynamic definitions
>> of variables.
>> All I'm saying is that you two are talking around in circles by
>> repeating different requirements to each other, and it's not going to
>> get anywhere unless you both change your approach. It sounds like
>> you're already trying to do that.
>> > I do not think that a feature should be designed around the current
>> > limitations of a particular external tool, esp. if said tool can be
>> improved
>> > at a reasonable cost.
>> Not arguing there.
>> I was initially inclined to favour Pavel's proposal because it fits a
>> RLS use case I was somewhat interested in. But so would dynamic
>> variables resolved at runtime so long as they were fast.
>> Personally I don't much care what the result is, so long as it can
>> satisfy some kind of reasonable security isolation, such that role A
>> can set it, B can read it but not set it, and role C can do neither.
>> Preferably without resorting to creating SECURITY DEFINER accessors,
>> since they're messy and slow. Support for data typing would also be
>> nice too.
>> If it doesn't deliver security controls then IMO there's not much
>> advantage over (ab)using GUCs with current_setting(...).
>> Exploring the other areas discussed:
>> Personally I think MVCC, persistent variables are a totally
>> unnecessary idea that solves a problem we don't have. But maybe I
>> don't understand your use cases. I expect anything like that would
>> land up using a pg_catalog relation as a k/v-like store with different
>> columns for different types or something of the like, which is really
>> something the user can do well enough for themselves. I don't see the
>> point at all.
>> Non-MVCC persistent variables would probably be prohibitively
>> expensive to make crash-safe, and seem even more pointless.
>> Now, I can see shared variables whose state is visible across backends
>> but is neither MVCC nor persistent being a fun toy, albeit not one I
>> find likely to be particularly useful personally. But we can probably
>> already do that in extensions, we've got most if not all of the needed
>> infrastructure. Because we're a shared-nothing-by-default system, such
>> variables will probably need shared memory segments that need to be
>> allocated and, if new vars are added or their values grow too much,
>> re-allocated. Plus locks to control access. All of which we can
>> already do. Most of the uses I can think of for such things are met
>> reasonably well by advisory locking already, and I expect most of the
>> rest would be met by autonomous commit, so it feels a bit like a
>> feature looking for a use-case.
>> So .... lets take a step back or eight and ask "why?"
>> Pavel:
>> * Why is it so necessary for plpgsql variables to be implemented as
>> persistent entities that are in the catalogs in order for you to
>> achieve the static checking you want to? Is this due to limitations of
>> your approach in plpgsql_check, or more fundamental issues? Explain.
> There are few reasons:
> 1. plpgsql_check cannot to know a order of calls of functions. So any
> dynamic created object and related operations are not checkable by
> plpgsql_check (or any tool). If you create variable in one function, then
> this information is not available in other function.
> 2. You can write some hints - like Fabien proposal - it is not vulnerable
> against typo. It is much more safer to have one "created" variable, then
> more "declared" variables and believe so all declarations are valid. The
> created variable is only on one place - you can do simple check if
> reference to variable is valid or not. With query to system catalogue, you
> can get the list of all variables - you can see very simply if some
> variables are redundant, obsolete, wrong.
> 3. The catalogue objects allow to create  well granularity of access
> rights. without it, you have to introduce only "PRIVATE" variables - and
> then you have to GRANT rights via security definer functions. There is not
> simple reply to question who can work with this variable, who has access,
> ... you have to check a rights to getter functions. When variables are
> catalogue objects, then this reply is simple. Catalogue objects allows to
> have "declared" security. Without catalogue objects we have to construct
> the security. For me, a declared security is stronger.

My concept is similar to "global" variables in C language. Without header
files you can use it - but maybe linker fails, maybe runtime fails. For me
- information in catalogue is exactly what we do by declaration in header



> Regards
> Pavel
>> Fabien:
>> * What use do you have for persistent-data variables? Please set out
>> some use cases where they solve problems that are currently hard to to
>> solve or greatly improve on the existing solutions.can
>> * On what basis do you _oppose_ persistently defining variables in the
>> catalogs as their own entities? (My own objection is that "temporary
>> variables" would make our existing catalog bloat issues for temp
>> objects even worse).
>> * Do you expect temporary/transient session variables to come into
>> existence when first set, or to require some form of explicit
>> definition?
>> Everyone:
>> * Does anyone care about or want variables whose value is shared
>> across sessions? If so, why? Set out use cases.
>> * Does anyone care about or want variables whose value becomes visible
>> as soon as set, i.e. non-MVCC? If so, why? Set out use cases.
>> * Does anyone care about or want variables whose value is persistent
>> on-disk across restarts and/or crashes, maybe recorded in WAL for
>> replication, etc? If so, justify how this is better than a relation in
>> real-world practical terms.
> Thank you for this summary
> Pavel
>> --
>>  Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
>>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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